Matt black Super Jumbo - Super loud project

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Line Out

Member (SA)
So, I got this nice and really cheap (not for me :-P ), light, quite cumbersome and still very nice sounding boombox, ICS STR 5099A. The special thing about this is that the front face is matt black with gloss black panels and quite some chrome.

The cumbersome part of this is the function switches, volume sliders (per channel) and the fake "dual" EQ sliders, that make the EQ look like a 10 band. I understand the construction from a cosmetic viewpoint. 5 sliders would look very alone on that wide panel.

So, what I'm after is to put a Sure Class-D amplifier inside and maybe change the speakers to something heavier. I have 2 pairs of these. Those wont fit without a little DIY.

For now, only two pictures:
The chromes after a wash. These have little dots on them but seems like its just something that will come off with a little rub.

And the box itself without the chromes and empty inside, digital amp is inside for testing.

Power supply is 16V 4A. I will probably use the original supply, but it needs some shielding because it makes a clear hum.

I am thinking about sealing the back of the unit for good and add some strength to the housing and make a proper vented enclosure. I have to seal a few parts of the front face.

I will probably go for a 14.8V LiPo -battery. That would give excessive current.

I will change the led "power meters" that are merely leds connected to speakers with a protective circuit. Very dim and only flashing with high volume. I have one 2 x 7 segmented VU meter from an old scrapped car EQ "booster". The leds will fit nicely to the holes, but I have to add them on the original board and rewire all of them.

I am thinking about a red lighting on top of the tuner dial.

Ultimately I want to add a 10 -band EQ and use all the sliders but it could be quite difficult.

Wish me luck.


Member (SA)
Good luck :thumbsup: !
If you get that thing thumpin' and that chrome chromin' you'll surely rule the streets of Finland :-D .


Line Out

Member (SA)
Thank You! One time I went far north (400+km!) just for some music event, though it turned out lame so I went to the streets, about the time bars were closing...with my Hitachi 3D80. Priceless that was, getting new friends right away :smooch: The grande finale was when someone asked "can I attach my phone to it?"... I said sure. Then it was Gangnam Style on front of McDonalds, right behind the window there was a mid-aged couple, that could easily be Korean :lol:

Next summer I'll definitely hit the streets and beach again, with a bit more boom. :angelic:


Member (SA)
Interesting project....Definitely gonna check back to see ho wit works out. Are using 1 of those AMP kits you have to solder together or can you use a pre-built unit?

Line Out

Member (SA)
The amplifier is ready to use board with connectors (RCA for line in, jack for power plug and screw terminals for speakers. Also it can be fitted with extra volume control board and some other connectivity.

Sure has a wide range of Class-D amplifiers. And the shipping took about 2 weeks which in my book, from China is Very quick! I have 1 2x25W board and 2 2x50W boards, but there is no difference in the power output with a 12-15V voltage. The 2x50W model has a 60mm fan (spins when board is powered) and one more diode. But there is absolutely no need for the fan if the board is not used with over 15V and driven really hard.

2 x 25W
2 x 50W
These will work fine on 12V, I've tested that. Datasheet claims 8V as the minimum, but I need to test further. No idea why Sure claims 14V-19V...

2 x 100W
These should work on a wider scale, 12V-19V, but though, the datasheet claims miminum operating voltage at 14V. So could be a mix up from the manufacturer.

I tested the board running on 12V and with a pair of Panasonic SB-PM15 "Bi-Amp Super Woofer" speakers (6ohm, rated input DIN 15W / MUSIC 30W). I connected one amp to the bass speakers only. The maximum current to the board was somewhere around 2A, that was on full blast! So I think with one of these retrofitted could get hours and hours of music at really high levels.

Line Out

Member (SA)
Been looking at the EQ IC datasheet

I broke down the circuit to have a better understanding on how the capacitor values effect the center frequencies. The circuits for C1-C4 are indentical to all bands but 10k.

C values in uF
f     C1       C2       C3       C4
??    3,3     0,1      0,1      3,3
100   1      0,033    0,033      1
300  0,33    0,01     0,01      0,33
1k   0,1     0,0033   0,0033    0,1
3k   0,033   0,001    0,001     0,033

10k        0,0022+1k  0,0022+1k
Calling someone with better mathematic skills :huh: I'd like to know what values would I need for what Frequency. I may end up with something like 50 - 100 - 1k
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