massive 3 piece national panasonic!!!!!!!!!!

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Member (SA)
well guys just had gary my contact on the phone to tell me that he has found me a massive 3 piece national panasonic boombox!he didnt have it to hand but he says its really heavy and says its that heavy it might be too big for my scooter!!!!!any one with any ideas?????
of course ill update you as soon as i know-i dont want to excite myself but im thinking rx-6400?rx-a2?or even maybe an rx c100 or c200? we will see!!!!! its come from a clearance of a really old,massive old auction house that ive been to before myself and its wall to wall old electronics,modern and old,so i cant say what its condition will be like and wether it will work-all gary says is its big,heavy and loaded!boy i cant wait!!!!!


Boomus Fidelis
The word Massive would make you think of only a few Panny's and you named the two at the top of the list, I'm excited for you. :yes:


Member (SA)
Well guys sorry for the delay!ok,so i dont know what the response is to this.....its not a national panasonic at all.....its a marantz ph52L in gold!!!!!its just like the jvc pc5,but twice as heavy as that!!!!!so,here we go-the deck is jammed and the speakers are going to need re foaming so no pic at the mo sadly!if anyone has a representative pic of it please feel free to post it-i have it in bits in prep for me,or an electrician to sort the woofers out!so watch this space!!!!! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
hey andy.....thanks so very much for your words and the topic you created before :thumbsup: i will have a good read through all that!my major problem is the woofers will need re foaming as at low volume they are distorting-but turn her up and it goes away somewhat!plus the tape deck isnt jammed but one key has been pushed inwards and upwards and is stopping the deck from operating!so how rare is the gold one andy?i absolutely love it though,and hell brother,im a marantz fan now!!!! :thumbsup: :-D


Member (SA)
The 52 is fairly uncommon, the 32 I have seen a few of.

On the color, black seems to be rarer, Marantz was big on the gold type finish.

If your foams are shot, don't use the speaker until fixed. If you use the spekers with failed foams you risk damaging the voice coils and rendering them useless
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