Make Sure To Include A Boombox In Emg.Kit!

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Member (SA)
I just wanted to let all you know that included in my truck and car that I drive is a smaller Panasonic XBS AM/FM Cassette Boombox with line in wrapped in bubble wrap on my floor in front of my box so in case of an emergency I'll have a good working Boombox.
I strongly recommend a Boombox as part of your emergency kit.Don't forget a new set of batteries and for your flashlight!😎📟📻🎼🚛🚚
You never know where you'll be or without gas or electricity so it's nice to be prepared!!😎💳🚛📻🎼🚚📟🎵


Staff member
You know, in all seriousness, that's a great idea Jeff! We are so tied to smartphones and tablets, that we forget good ol' AM/FM/SW/LW works for MILES! So if all hell breaks loose and you lose cable/satellite or phone, throw some batteries in the boomer and get to tuning in for updates! :afro:

Lasonic TRC-920

Here, in the land of earth quakes, it's always in the back of my mind and like oldskool said, you may not be able to rely on your cell phone.

ALSO, a solid mini will last much longer than your C100 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good call Jeff :-D


Member (SA)
I keep a Grundig worldwide mono boombox in my car in the stash compartment.. It can run off 4-D batteries OR 4-AA batteries!


Boomus Fidelis
the more i think about it the more i want that jvc backpack boombox , i could wear that **** while i ride , i have saddle bags on my intruder and a backpack radio would be nice to listen too if i could hear it over the motor lol.
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