Mag D 8443 Cassette just turned off?

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Member (SA)
This is strange. My D84 was playing as always :breakdance: left the room came back and it was off? :annoyed: Pushed play and it would do a blah 1/2 sec and nothing! I
took tape out pushed play and saw it move and stop. :-O what the hells going on? Been demag,heads cleaned been covered up just decied to play it while working on my TRC 920. Had this box since May of last year. what you thing fellas??? :hmmm:


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
Have you done belt change?
Oh the belts are nice and clean. In fact when i got this everything was well kept. belonged to a sport fisherman. so he retired and put it away in a linen closet. for example. if i don't use radi power switch and go to turn tape mode it will start to spin but less than 1/2 second and stop.So it wants to engage... :-O


Boomus Fidelis
Could be stretched belts or dirty micro switch. I had both as problems with mine :yes: only way to find out is to pull deck out and check to where you can actually see what it's doing. It's not very hard to get out but you can't totally remove because of wires ;-)


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
Could be stretched belts or dirty micro switch. I had both as problems with mine :yes: only way to find out is to pull deck out and check to where you can actually see what it's doing. It's not very hard to get out but you can't totally remove because of wires ;-)
Hey bud heres a update. well I started to tweek the button and saw the pinch roller go into action. :-D But the bad was the spindle wasn't. so i got a funky mexican tape from thrift to record on and well slaughterd it of course. after i remover it. we went back to no action again. :hmmm: hmmm now this is getting interesting.
I'm thinking like you said too me. but would it be possible a spring or gear tooth got busted off?
im guessing on my side. you have this more pegged. :agree: Ok well this box isn't a priority at the moment. i have another working well in my room this was a fixer to sell to the younger kids in my area...right now the 920 is on my mind... But always the fountain of knowlege sure flows deep with you B! Thank you as always. mike....


Member (SA)
Probably chipped teeth off of the gear. It happened to mine and seems to be a problem with a lot of these 8443s. Sad cause I don't think a replacement gear has been found yet? I tried researching but came up with nadda. Short of casting my own gear I gave up on that unit, for now. :sad:
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