So with Bobby's most recent glow job
, which I understand was a kit that someone else on here made (sorry don't know who to give props to); I poked around the restorations board and saw some really friggin amazing things. Gluecifer making knobs in a bottle lid, Oldskool fixing dry rotted foam with a tshirt and some plasti-goo. guys are pretty doggone amazing
Second....what is your best Macgyver moment (preferrably boombox related, but not a requirement)
Last....In the world of boombox, who is the most MacGyver-like? You know, the guy that can fix anything with a gum wrapper, bobbypin and duct tape. guys are pretty doggone amazing

Second....what is your best Macgyver moment (preferrably boombox related, but not a requirement)
Last....In the world of boombox, who is the most MacGyver-like? You know, the guy that can fix anything with a gum wrapper, bobbypin and duct tape.