MacGyver is my Hero!

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Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
So with Bobby's most recent glow job :w00t: , which I understand was a kit that someone else on here made (sorry don't know who to give props to); I poked around the restorations board and saw some really friggin amazing things. Gluecifer making knobs in a bottle lid, Oldskool fixing dry rotted foam with a tshirt and some plasti-goo. guys are pretty doggone amazing :clap: :clap: :clap:

Second....what is your best Macgyver moment (preferrably boombox related, but not a requirement)

Last....In the world of boombox, who is the most MacGyver-like? You know, the guy that can fix anything with a gum wrapper, bobbypin and duct tape. :hmmm:


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I'm MacGyver! After all these years you OLD FOGIES have been collecting (some of you 10+ years) and NO ONE had come up with a repo JVC hardware/strap?!?!?!!? Then me (NEWBIE) comes along and says "hey, I can make something like that"...... Now, I have made tons of these straps to send off all over the world for people to enjoy!





Well-Known Member
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Mrs. Fatdog said:
In the world of boombox, who is the most MacGyver-like? You know, the guy that can fix anything with a gum wrapper, bobbypin and duct tape.

we actually frown upon those kinds of tactics to repair boombox..... the question is "who is the most innovative" as a whole....

Probably........ Fat Dog! :lol:


Member (SA)
How's it going Blu_fuz? I would love to get my hands on one of these straps for my JVC M70 :-) Let me know what I have to do to get my hands on one. I see that you have quite a few styles.... any chance I could request a color or style? If so, I'd like to get one with a camo design, otherwise I'll take what I can get. Thanks for your time buddy! :yes:

Lasonic TRC-920

blu_fuz said:
we actually frown upon those kinds of tactics to repair boombox.....

While I totally agree with the Fuzzy one on this....Desperate Times bring Desperate Measures! :-/

When my first radio (a TRC-920 of course) showed up looking like an elephant sat on it (see pic's below) I almost had a stroke! :'-(

After sifting through the shredded paper and Styrofoam peanuts to find all 631 pieces I had two choices, file a claim with UPS or bring her back from the dead and beyond! :ghost: :frankenstein:

With the help of some NASA strength 2 part epoxy I was able to get 90% of it back together, but there were some sections in the corners and around two of the screw post's that were so fragmented and busted in to chips, I had to think outside the box.

I found, that if you epoxy PENNY'S (you know, the little round flat copper money we all find in the drier!) flat to the wall of the casing along a crack that it gives strength without taking up much room. This allowed me to back line MASSIVE casing cracks with pennies and only use up 1/8 of an inch of thickness space. And it only cost me $3.00 in pennies! :lol: :-/

But two years later she is holdoing firm...and you recently saw her out in the field in the Blaster Vision video's! :w00t:


Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
I found, that if you epoxy PENNY'S (you know, the little round flat copper money we all find in the drier!) flat to the wall of the casing along a crack that it gives strength without taking up much room.

Epoxying pennies.....BRILLIANT


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Not that brilliant :nonono: . More like desperate :yes: .

Instead of PENNIES (money waster :thumbsdown: ), I use old VHS tape flapper door thingys to epoxy and strengthen cracks in boomboxes :yes: . The expansion and contraction of plastic-on-plastic is more reliable then copper-to-plastic ;-) .

Lasonic TRC-920

blu_fuz said:
Not that brilliant :nonono: . More like desperate :yes: .

Instead of PENNIES (money waster :thumbsdown: ), I use old VHS tape flapper door thingys to epoxy and strengthen cracks in boomboxes :yes: . The expansion and contraction of plastic-on-plastic is more reliable then copper-to-plastic ;-) .

That's a good idea too.....I roll with what works! :yes:


Member (SA)
I have no desire to own a boombox with a hack job repair consisting of gum wrappers, bobby pins, duct tape, or even staples. :no: Fortunately, Norm became my friend. :thumbsup: He makes sure I don't have to do anything ghetto, like, jam a broken toothpick into a switch to keep the dial lights on. :lol:


I Am Legend
well thats so swell, bryan.............

except norm has your fleet of boxes at his shop-
and is awaiting the dozen custom toothpicks i made for him --
to complete your switch repairs

:-P :lol: :lol:

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
BMoney said:
I have no desire to own a boombox with a hack job repair consisting of gum wrappers, bobby pins, duct tape, or even staples. :no: Fortunately, Norm became my friend. :thumbsup: He makes sure I don't have to do anything ghetto, like, jam a broken toothpick into a switch to keep the dial lights on. :lol:

Now now, BMoney....sometimes desperate times call for desparate measures. Sometimes a fix (even if it's a hack job) that gets a classic radio boomin again is better than pitching it in the trash, right? I mean let's say your pride and joy box fell off a shelf and cracked in such a way that it couldn't be replaced, but fixed by jerry rigging (because even Norm can't make this hypothetical break perfect), and only you'd notice. Are you implying that you'd throw it out in lieu of patching it up? :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
well thats so swell, bryan.............

except norm has your fleet of boxes at his shop-
and is awaiting the dozen custom toothpicks i made for him --
to complete your switch repairs

:-P :lol: :lol:

Classic Ira! :lol: :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

BMoney said:
I have no desire to own a boombox with a hack job repair consisting of gum wrappers, bobby pins, duct tape, or even staples. :no: Fortunately, Norm became my friend. :thumbsup: He makes sure I don't have to do anything ghetto, like, jam a broken toothpick into a switch to keep the dial lights on. :lol:

Now that I know Norm....this is the path I hope to walk! Plus, my epoxy box is not for sale! :sadno: :nonono: :lol:


Member (SA)
Mrs. Fatdog said:
Now now, BMoney....sometimes desperate times call for desparate measures. Sometimes a fix (even if it's a hack job) that gets a classic radio boomin again is better than pitching it in the trash, right? I mean let's say your pride and joy box fell off a shelf and cracked in such a way that it couldn't be replaced, but fixed by jerry rigging (because even Norm can't make this hypothetical break perfect), and only you'd notice. Are you implying that you'd throw it out in lieu of patching it up? :hmmm:
Unfortunately, it isn't totally hypothetical. There are things Norm can't fix. Most parts are obsolete and sometimes you gotta live with a toasted circuit. I wouldn't throw it out if it's a mechanical problem, as long as there are other usable features (e.g. tuner, line-in). :no: But, if it's cosmetic damage? Well, it's getting tossed in a box or in the corner of a closet until I find a better one. Parts are parts that I (or someone else) might need one day. Cracked Sharp GF-777? Cannibalized to restore 2 others. Cracked Toshiba S90? Cannibalized to restore 2 (maybe even 3) others. Cracked Conion C-100F? Stored away for parts. M90 with amateurish painted woofers? Sold.

I'm not knocking others for their creative fixes. :no: I'm just saying, owning a humpty dumpty, super glued, fixed with staples, pastel painted boombox isn't my thing. Hack job repairs make it harder (virtually impossible) to repair/restore properly.

redbenjoe said:
well thats so swell, bryan.............

except norm has your fleet of boxes at his shop-
and is awaiting the dozen custom toothpicks i made for him --
to complete your switch repairs

:-P :lol: :lol:
It's YOUR "custom toothpick mods" and "seniority" that keeps bumping my "fleet of boxes" down in the queue, Ira! :dunce: :lol:
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