M90 tape deck remote question???????

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r o y a l ®

Member (SA)
Did anyone ever find out what the compatible remote control models were for the m90, or what ones work ? Because I have this dead stock R50e JVC remote and will be listing it shortly on ebay. Does it work with the M90? The pin socket is the same I think.........







Member (SA)
I don't know... right on the box it says "Caution: for the following models us the R30E" and we know the R30E works the same as the R15E that was the M90 remote. So I would say, no the R50E would not work. Using the transitive property of logic if we know "A = B" and we know "B does not = C" then we know "A does not = C"

"Caution" makes me worry it would short something out. Perhaps it could be modified, but there has to be some reason whey they have the warning. :hmmm:

r o y a l ®

Member (SA)
Wish I could know for sure ! The only obvious difference on the remote is the addition of the music scan buttons. In the instructions for the 50-e it says if you press them and your unit doesn't have music scan it just activates the FF/RW feature instead.

May have to compare the pin configuration.


Member (SA)
I swear I had the pin configuration for an R15E somewhere.... now if I could only find it....


Member (SA)
Does the M-60 use the same remote as the M-90? :hmmm:

I still need to get my M-60 going(power supply)
I'dlove to have one of those remotes. :yes:
GB. :-)
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