M90 Cling

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Well-Known Member
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I saw it on that epay ad but never before that. I think it's too much crap covering those beautiful woofers..... you can tell all his clings are hand made and his tweeter surround and woofer rings chrome too.


Staff member
Doesn't look good at all to me. The shape is all wrong, doesn't fit, doesn't match or something just seems off. If it's something on a string tied around the handle, that might be OK, but a sticker that shape on a box with as much rectangular and round elements is like putting pink knobs on a classic silver face receiver.

Joe, what do you mean about the handmade tweeter surround and woofer ring chrome?


Member (SA)
The tweeters were definitely repainted. The strip of chrome just left of the right woofer looks pitted/scratched but yet fully chromed, like it was repainted too


Staff member
I wonder if he painted it, or applied some kind of mylar film? I have never been able to get chrome paint to actually look like chrome. But if the chrome really is painted...... run for the hills! In my experience, painted chrome is not at all durable and rubs off via plain handling. Probably about the time you unbox it, it will start rubbing off already. Mylar probably looks better, but might last only a few months. And as mylar film is quite soft, it scratches very easy.


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He is waiting for the guy who will pay premium for one that looks new but isn't original and he won't know it until it arrives at his house and the money is gone.

The way the chrome 'lays' looks painted to me, but I have never seen this small of a chrome paint project lay so nice. I think it is a chrome sticker.

But back to the original topic, YUK that grill label is straight up ugly.


Staff member
Is that even an original sticker design? Stickers like that is supposed to be for marketing purposes. Something that ugly might even serve to "de-market" the M90 and drive people way.


Member (SA)


Staff member
Quality Built Since 1982 suggests JVC was not good quality before that? Seems like a preposterous statement. Clearly it's homemade and he has 2 boomboxes for sale with the exact same sticker. I suppose he thinks that the addition of these homemade stickers will net him lots more dineros since it's soooo rare that he has the only 2 M90's in existence with these stickers.. It begs the question why he couldn't find a better color than worn puke orange or maybe he's going for the faded "new-old" look. It's not even stuck on straight.


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
yo melly -
this just has to be THE record for your least popular post = :-) :-D :-D :rock:
I pride myself on not following the crowd. I like the cling and would put one on my M90 if available. Doesn't really bother me if others don't like it. It's unique to me and that I definitely like.


I Am Legend
thats cool melly --

and its really the same with me ..for most of my working career , i designed prints
for t-shirts & caps & stickers --
with MOST of my great ' creations ' ...the ONLY customer ended up to be ME !!! :lol: and the rest
of these loser designs went to flea markets..

luckily ... we did have a few $$ winners :-) , and that kept us in business


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Excellent thread.

I think the labels are just printed on regular letter paper which would explain why the print looks faded/worn because it was never a quality print in the first place.

Melly, do what floats your boat! We all know you like to mix it up a little.


Boomus Fidelis
Quality Built Since 1982 suggests JVC was not good quality before that? [\quote]

I would think it means the M90 was quality built since 1982 🤔 not really about JVC. I could be wrong though....But it does seem to be something original
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