M90 advice

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Member (SA)
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to share some photos of my JVC m90 and maybe get some info.
I got the box as a gift in 1983, from one of the big New York camera shops in Times Square. I actually ordered it over the phone, sent them a check and got it delivered over a month later. Three months after I bought it I had it shipped to where I was going to college and one of the speakers was damaged. It was intact and slightly creased, but that speaker never really worked again. I was still a great box even with one speaker and I got many years of service from it. Fast forward to yesterday, I was cleaning the basement and there it was covered in dust under a table. Honestly, I was surprised to see it. I thought I'd thrown it out years ago. I gently cleaned it off and took some pics. One antenna is broken and I haven't found the power cord yet, so I don't know what's working yet. Some of the plastic is stained, and it has it's share of scratches.
Does anyone know how many of these were made? How long were they available? I think mine cost about $300 bucks new, is that right?


Member (SA)







I Am Legend
looks fine ( to me) :-)

its so well worth the short money for you to get a pack of D cells-
and a blank cassette -- and test EVERYTHING !!!


Member (SA)
Scrounged up some batteries, and what do you know it works!! It took a moment to awake, some static in the volume control and balance. Radio was not great. Tape player works, sounded pretty ok, even the music search worked. Very happy.


Member (SA)
pipe64.....just wondering if youre aware that the m90 is arguably the illest blaster ever made?......and great story btw...
Pipe64 said:
Any particular cleaner that everyone uses? Do you use a specific tool/utensil to cleaning?

If you'd like a superficial job, just the damp cleaning rag with a water and mild soap mixture will do.

Feeling like going for the gusto?
Take the back part off and the front panel off and give them a nice bath in soapy water either in your bath tub or your sink (don't forget to take the porn *cough* shots for some members here), let it sit and dry or even better a nice hairdryer treatment with warm setting... Ohhh yeah... Hahahahaa... have fun whatever you do and don't forget your best days in College bro! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :breakdance:


Boomus Fidelis
wow great story ,, you can get a replacement antenna at your local radio shack and you might find a ac cord there also and a small can of deoxit and spray the switch thats on the back that says line in phono,, sometimes those switches tend to have a channel drop out.... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Don't forget Isopropyl Alcohol and some Q-tips to clean the tape head, Rollers, & Pins and a Demagnitizer wouldn't hurt. :-) :yes:


Member (SA)
Still not sure about what I want to do with my m90. Here are my options: 1) sell it as is, 2)really clean it but leave the major repairs to the buyer. 3) have a pro do the repairs and sell it or 4) repair it and keep it.
Initially I was 100% sure I was going to sell it on eBay, but after seeing how passionate and supportive everyone on the forum was I'd really prefer that it go to someone who this is the "holy grail" to. The crazy thing is that when it powered up after all these years it was really emotional moment. This inanimate object provided so much enjoyment for me for much of my life, it just seems wrong to get rid of it, especially to someone that wouldn't enjoy it the way everyone here does.
Is there anyone in or around Chicago that can do this type of repair/restore (bad speaker, radio)? I am a little apprehensive about shipping it away, but I will if I have no choice. Preference is local tho.
Thanks to everyone for the responses.
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