Well it took over a year and several failed attempts to get the replacement part but at last my M70 is A1!
When Alberto posted that he was splitting an M70 I was super quick off the mark and dibs'ed a volume slider. He was great to deal with, shipped it fast and packed it in a box several hundred times bigger than the part
Well this afternoon I opened up the M70, took out the old volume pot and soldered in the new one. I switched her on and BOOM!...both channels are now the same!...sooo chuffed!
This vid shows how imbalanced the channels were before
And here's the repaired version
When Alberto posted that he was splitting an M70 I was super quick off the mark and dibs'ed a volume slider. He was great to deal with, shipped it fast and packed it in a box several hundred times bigger than the part
Well this afternoon I opened up the M70, took out the old volume pot and soldered in the new one. I switched her on and BOOM!...both channels are now the same!...sooo chuffed!
This vid shows how imbalanced the channels were before
And here's the repaired version