Looks like new age stuff is heading in the right direction

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Member (SA)
RockE said:

Number 1 is close to a nice red oldschool unit...but you are right, it needs a hande.
Number is not my cup of tea :-/
And numer 3 is just...gross :lol: sorry ;-)

The prices also make me back off. I'd much rather get a nice vintage grail for that. :yes:


Member (SA)
I used to be made to sell the large muteki home theatre system, if the small one is anything like that stick a screwdriver in your ear it will be more enjoyable than the muteki. It actually made me feel phisically sick to listen to the HTIB muteki.

Looks like Sony trying to be ? I just don't like it


Member (SA)
restocat said:
:sadno: ]

Well, it is heading in the right direction, for making our vintage stuff more valuable :lol:

Indeed, the more things they make that sort of resemble Boomboxes of late the better it will be for us collectors :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

Sorry, I will give them 2 thumbs and one swinging d*ck DOWN!


Square :thumbsup: , no handle.... :-/ :no: TO SMALL :thumbsdown:


Trying to be like Altec Lansing :thumbsdown: and that's an ugly design :no: :sadno: MICRO SYSTEM :hmmm: :thumbsdown:

LG, not even in this class of radios. :thumbsdown:

None of these will get my hard earned cash! :sadno:

I'll be shopping for vintage radios! :yes:
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