Looking for some Reel to Reel tapes

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Member (SA)
I can't justify paying eBay prices for reel cassettes right now either, so I whipped this up last night. I have tons of spray paint in the cellar and a boat load of these Maxell XLII 90 tapes. I took the original screen printing off with acetone so it wouldn't pop through the paint. It's no reel cassette, but it still looks pretty trick behind a deck door window. And, yes, that is a snow shovel by the back door. It's 92 degrees right now, but you never know - It's New England! :lol:



Member (SA)
Looking like im having tons of reel cassettes right now. Will try to consider some for sale soon. Just dont have much time lately......


Boomus Fidelis
Yeah personally I think a regular tape with a cool label can look just as good as a reel tape, as long as the color compliments the box. For example, imagine if this tape was blue:



Member (SA)
You guys are speaking my language, that's what I did for my Helix... But, colored REELS would be even better!


Member (SA)
Love the painted tape idea! Next time I'm at the Good Will I'll pick up a bunch of random tapes and just paint them all different colors.
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