Look What The Mailman Brought Me...

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Member (SA)
Hmmm. What could it be? :huh:


Packed very nicely. :thumbsup:


Bigger than a breadbox... :hmmm:


AHA! An RC-M70L! :drool:


Thanks to Tiko (again) for a minty flavored breath of fresh air. Don't know how he does it, but he always seems to come up with boxes that don't have a mark on them. Looking forward to putting it through it's paces tonight!


I Am Legend
gorgeous :thumbsup: :drool: :thumbsup:

and glad to learn that tiko packs good stuff so good :-) :-D
because i have mini-grundig on the way from tiko --this week !! :angelic:


Member (SA)
The "L" is a European edition.
(Correct me if I'm wrong) but it has a DIN socket instead of RCA in.

Very nice, very clean M70. :cool:


Member (SA)
Very clean!!

Great to see Tiko's packing too, I really hope to get something off him one day.

Can't beat an M70 for all round performance, design and value.

Although the new gift I'll have scanned for you guys over the next few days
has them priced at anything but cheap!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
Me too! You were my very first customer, ever. Just you wait, though. I can let the cat out of the bag now that I know that it's shipped. :thumbsup:
Every summer I get a grail. Once a year is all I can really afford. :blush:
Part 2 of this years summertime grail buy is on it's way and should arrive any day now. Watch this site 'cause the other shoe is a gonna drop... :breakdance:
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