S2G member Rom Selecta sent these to me back in September. The slow way, or should I say the real slow way. I had forgotten about these guys. Today, it shows up on my doorstep. In time for Christmas with 10 days to spare.
Here is the National RX-5600. Tunes to 108. I forgot what I paid for either of these but let's just say after Glucifers find, I think I got ripped off on this one! But it sure is in nice shape. Couldn't be happier. Finally a boombox that I don't need to do anything to except put it on the shelf.
Here is a weird one, made by Crown. An executives play toy. $115,000 yen back in the day. Metal tape, 9 track music search, etc. Also tunes to 108. I think this just might be the RAREST boombox in America. Anyone else have one? Anyone else seen one in real life? {crickets...} Hello!?! Anyone else seen one anyplace else??? I really like this guy. It's terrific quality. The cassette door is metal skinned. I give this 2 thumbs up!
I might have to put this one in the gun safe.
Here is the National RX-5600. Tunes to 108. I forgot what I paid for either of these but let's just say after Glucifers find, I think I got ripped off on this one! But it sure is in nice shape. Couldn't be happier. Finally a boombox that I don't need to do anything to except put it on the shelf.
Here is a weird one, made by Crown. An executives play toy. $115,000 yen back in the day. Metal tape, 9 track music search, etc. Also tunes to 108. I think this just might be the RAREST boombox in America. Anyone else have one? Anyone else seen one in real life? {crickets...} Hello!?! Anyone else seen one anyplace else??? I really like this guy. It's terrific quality. The cassette door is metal skinned. I give this 2 thumbs up!
I might have to put this one in the gun safe.