Local guy wants to join but can't beat: 5x=3x+16

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I would have thought the answer would be: x=8 but the site says that's incorrect.

Any ideas to help this enthusiast to join up? I just sold him a box!


Staff member
Dang, fatdog's challenge questions have gotten harder! I just visited the registration page and looked at the questions -- some are not at all easy.

ANYHOW. I found that by simply refreshing the page, the question will change to a new one. Just ask your friend to keep refreshing unitl he finds a question that is easy enough to answer or works. Even if we could figure out why the answer is not (8), the next time he tries it, he's going to get a different challenge question anyhow.


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
This is a recent pic of the prospective new member 'Jay' - his artwork too!

Hell of a nice guy with a growing collection in the works.

James.... :-)
Nice artwork, hope you guys get it all figured out!


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Boomboxery.com is knocking back the answer '8' to this equation when he is applying for an account.
Ahh, forgot about that part already!

Doh, musta been awhile. :dunce:


Member (SA)
Cpl-Chronic said:
The answer is 40....if you are solving for 5x, not 'x'....

That makes sense, 40=40... if the question is not what "x" is.

I don't remember answering any questions to join, how new is that? Since the site went to public viewing without a membership I'm guessing?
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