Found this little guy in the bottom of a box of records I bought at auction. Crushed beneath a once treasured music collection,I could existentially relate to him.
He was in poor shape,nothing was working. I could hear a faint hum when I toggled cassette. He had a pulse. He wanted to live.
I wrestled out the rusty screws,only to find more rust inside. Not a good outlook for this patient. I vacuumed the dust and wiped out the grime. Controls were so dirty there wasn't even static.
Well,without much hope,I removed the straw tip from my DeOxit and just gave it a good blast on a couple spots.Then left it upside down to soak/dry.
And also did the same with it tilted back.
Scraped the battery terminals.
Oiled a couple parts.
He was in poor shape,nothing was working. I could hear a faint hum when I toggled cassette. He had a pulse. He wanted to live.
I wrestled out the rusty screws,only to find more rust inside. Not a good outlook for this patient. I vacuumed the dust and wiped out the grime. Controls were so dirty there wasn't even static.
Well,without much hope,I removed the straw tip from my DeOxit and just gave it a good blast on a couple spots.Then left it upside down to soak/dry.
And also did the same with it tilted back.
Scraped the battery terminals.
Oiled a couple parts.