List boomboxes with built in strap bars or loops.....

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm trying to make a list of boomboxes that have built in loops or bars for a carry strap. I will make 2 lists, one list will be boomboxes that have a "O" shaped loop to accept a quick connector clip for a removable strap and the other list will be boomboxes that have a bar "-----" or loop "U" shape for a fixed strap and what size strap will fit around the loop/bar. Please contribute info on the strap area on the boxes I have listed, and add other boomboxes and what type of connection they have please. I am trying to make every strap type I can for you guys :yes: .

"O" loop boxes for removable strap:
Realistic SCR-8

GE 3-5286


bar "-----" or loop "U" boxes for fixed strap and strap width:
JVC RC-550 (1.5" strap)

Candle JTR-1287/Helix (1" strap)

Crown CSC-850L (1.5" strap???)

Crown CSC-980L (1.5" strap???)


Member (SA)
From me two not really known but great for outdoor :
Sanyo M9982


And Hitachi TRK-6701W


And of cource Sharp 9595 but who knows the name of this strange buckle system :hmmm: .


Kabooms (or Boomblaster named here) are with 2 metal bars and they fit removable straps.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
What are the widths of the strap loop slots on the Sanyo M9982 and the Hitachi TRK-6701W?

The Sharp 9595 looks like it takes Overall strap hook buttons. What is the diameter of the biggest hole in that slot on the box?



Retro Addict

Member (SA)
The Hitachi TRK-8200 can accomodate a strap, 1.0" I think. Here's an old pic of mine and you can see one of the brackets.



Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
What are the widths of the strap loop slots on the Sanyo M9982 and the Hitachi TRK-6701W?

The Sharp 9595 looks like it takes Overall strap hook buttons. What is the diameter of the biggest hole in that slot on the box?
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1.For the Sharp - biggest diametter is 11mm the small part - 7 mm. The deep of the hole is around 3 mm but there is a push up pin inside which is really tide in the small part of the hole. So must consider how tick is the button IMO.
2.Waithing for the TRK to arrive.
3.Dont have the Sanyo. But believe a few members here have it so should help.
Happy if that help. You are doin great job Fuzz :thumbsup:
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