LED VU Meter from a tapedeck.

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Member (SA)
Fellows, form a sharp tapedeck i´m exctract this:


And i´m want to put this one im my C100F case, but I don´t know how (because the wire color scheme);

The PCB have two Sanyo LB1415 and yellow, red, orange and black wires.

If one of your see this topic and know how to male this works, let me know.



Member (SA)
Please, make photo on the back side of PCB.
Maybe the wire color scheme is:
red "+"
black "-"
yellow "L"
orange "R"


Member (SA)
hardmen said:
I'm in a bed now!
Tomorrow morning I do make some pictures!
Thanks for help! ;-)


Dude, you know I have a set of original spare LED VUs for the C100F? :-D
Also can hook you up with some analog VUs ;-)


Member (SA)
I know Max, but are two problems at the moment:

The customs catching and taxing EVERYTHING came from another Country.
The Euro money value in front of Real money (Real is the name of our money here) it's too expensive (one Euro it's the same of two and a half Real).

Because of that, I decide to make my Customized C100F with the major parts that I find here! ;-)

But, who knows I decide to buy some parts with you, if avaliable (like LED chrome bars and, speakers chrome bars, the badge...) :w00t:



Member (SA)
Maybe the wire color scheme is:
red "+" - + 5-12 v
black "-" - ground
yellow "L" - input signal
orange "R" - input signal


Member (SA)
in that diagram, the characters i translation is:

LR is LaRanja = Orange
VM is VerMelho = Red
AM is Amarelo = Yellow
PR is Preto = Black

Than, how I connect that in the amplifier?
Sharing the ground with input signals and voltage?
Or the input signals do not need ground for this cases (plays VU meters)?



Member (SA)
red "+" connect to +12 v.
black "-" - connect to ground
yellow "L" - Connect to amplifier L , in this place where are connect old LED meters.
orange "R" - Connect to amplifier R, in this place where are connect old LED meters.

This is mine idea, but another members can help, too...
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