Latest Disco Lite Sale (that I know of)

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Member (SA)
alfie said:
I saw it finish. It shot up by $400 with a second to go. Crazy :w00t:

WOW!!! I was singing karaoke when that happened. HA HA!!!

I think someone just said, "Enough messin' around. I'm buying this NOW!!!"



I Am Legend
--thats about the going rate these days : :-O

i think these would be much more fun --used outside nitely - :w00t:
and traded// passed around very often -
and most all of us would have them --if they were inexpensive


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
--thats about the going rate these days : :-O

i think these would be much more fun --used outside nitely - :w00t:
and traded// passed around very often -
and most all of us would have them --if they were inexpensive


There are ways to make a light-show using LEDs and MICs. I'm kind of looking into basic electronics to make one, myself. In the process, maybe I'll learn a thing or two about how to fix electronics inside an old boombox. :)
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