Lasonic tape issues

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Member (SA)
So on one hand i am happy as i have my Lasonic radio working again (hurrah!) and line in sounds great but i get some terrible feedback through left channel if i turn the selector to tape.

Its a constant loud whine, quite deep in sound and weirdly if i touch the tape controls, or even just hold my hand near it it intensifies. Very strange. Has anyone any experience of what this may be.

Here are some shameless glory shots anyway:


On a semi related note, i need to recover the loudness switch that is floating around inside but i am struggling to seperate the front from the main parts if anyone has any tips.

cheers dudes.


Boomus Fidelis
Make sure you remove the bolts from behind the function selector switches or else you won't be able to separate the chassis from the front case


Boomus Fidelis
Also that humm could be coming from the Record Bar press play record stop a few times in a row and see what happens


Member (SA)
Thanks Floyd, I'll upload a video later so you guys can see what i mean. Any other tips gratefully receivd


Member (SA)
Thanks Soundboy but i am my own tech. No one around here i could take it to plus im gradually teaching my self to fix any issues.

Bill how would i locate a bad ground?


Boomus Fidelis
Bill how would i locate a bad ground?

The deck will have a ground wire coming off frame. Also if one of the solder joints on head or board are bad that to will cause issues. 😉. Could also be a bad wire either ground or the insulated head wires

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Thanks Bill, was going to tackle this today but its been so hot and i had a lot of logs to cut, will have a look tomorrow. Will update the thread, appreciate your advice thank you.
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