Actually the voltage from the speakers wasn't enough. I dragged out my old multimeter to find the batteries were dead, put in new batteries to find out it's dead, lol! So I have no clue what the voltage was at the back of the speakers, but I know it wasn't enough to light up the 1.8 volt LED's I bought from Radioshack, who by the way has an extremely limited selection. I haven't been to a Radioshack in 18 years, and boy have they changed, lol!
Anyway, so I ended up tapping into the back of one of the LED's in the light show thing that comes with the box at the top left. I used the 3rd LED in from either side. As a result you can see that those two LED's don't shine quite as bright as the others since they're denied some voltage now I guess, lol!
I have another idea but I my electronics knowledge is oh so very limited, lol