After my girlfriend knew I was looking online for a nice boombox last year, she found me one for Xmas. After some searching, she ran across a near perfect Lasonic trc 931. Found it on craigslist and it happened to only be 15 miles away. Just someone just selling their brothers old stuff and she got it for $100. Now I'm all over starting a collection after loving my first one. Got 3 more coming in the next week. Nothing crazy big time yet, but I'm just learning the game. And from my limited knowledge, it seems she found a killer deal for the 931. Looks like I can expect to spend 10 times that for some of the big boys.
Got a pic uploaded to what I woke up too. She got me the box, and some tapes that she knew I'd love back when I had a lesser box growing up. Public Enemy, LL, Redman, etc. And yes, she is a keeper. Last year for xmas to contracted a graf artist to paint up my office wall.
Got a pic uploaded to what I woke up too. She got me the box, and some tapes that she knew I'd love back when I had a lesser box growing up. Public Enemy, LL, Redman, etc. And yes, she is a keeper. Last year for xmas to contracted a graf artist to paint up my office wall.