Ladder Shelves for My boxes

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Member (SA)
Hello Familia! So, a few weeks ago, I was brain storming ideas of a way to display radios that would be stylish, and meet the wife's approval. I came across IKEA and Amazon sites that offered Ladder Style shelving. Their shelves were over priced for what they are, and none of the them were the dimensions required for our big Blasters. So, I ran over to Home Depot (hardware/lumber supply store), and purchased the raw materials for about $74 (using My Military discount). I started cutting, sanding & gluing around noon, and finished approx. 4 1/2 hours later. I used My J1 Super Jumbo for a measurement needed for the bottom rows (handle up). I used some leftover wood stain to coat the shelves.

I even got the wife in on staining them so she felt a bit included in what would be used in the living room. A wise move considering she'd be giving her seal of approval for taking up display room for all her "Pretties", and "Nicknackeries". I threw these up quickly to snap a few pics. I'll be rearranging the furniture now, to better accommodate things. Here are a few pics... 20160326_095400-1.jpg20160326_103251.jpg20160326_105826.jpg20160326_105946-1.jpg20160326_111442-1.jpg20160326_134122-1.jpg20160326_134138-1.jpg20160326_134645-1.jpg20160326_134658-1.jpg20160326_150324-1.jpg20160329_124758.jpg 20160326_150333-1.jpg20160326_160318-1.jpg20160331_091752.jpg20160331_091824.jpg front shot shelves.jpg Left side shelf.jpg Right side shelf.jpg


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Member (SA)
Very nice ADAM! Way to get after it! Looks fantastic.
I think you need to switch the disco and the national though....disco is wider.


Member (SA)
Thanks to all. Greg You're probably right. I'll try the swap later. I still have the other fully restored VZ-2000 and the Lasonic 931 on the other side of the room for playing. The bottom VZ2000 on the shelf is still a restoration project I've yet to finish. My Big Sony and M90 are being used in two other rooms.Then, there's the others in storage. I wish I had room to display all the others but that would be very selfish, and I'd get the wife's evil eye. :annoyed:


Member (SA)
sorry my friend but i was kind of blown away by your transam in the back ground.....boy i love american cars :yes: oh,but the shelves look great ;-) ,definately wish i had the skills to do that kind of thing :lol:


Member (SA)
Nice! :thumbsup: Those are some good lookin shelves Adam, they look solid as a rock. Is that your living room where they're displayed? If so you have yourself a dam good woman! :w00t:
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