I'd prefer JVC bring back old school sound .Bass is the one thing that hasn't been neglected by the industry since the Golden Era. If bass was the defining character of classic era sound you could claim the Kaboom to have old school sound.That certainly is not the case. Rather,I'd consider what has been missing since the classic years to actually define old school sound.Those critical elements are the highs,mids (even if they're not of the greatest fidelity),and overall volume.I'd personally like to see the Kaboom permanently retired in favor of a full range retro type design.
That said,I know some here like the Kaboom and would like to see it back in production.Certainly It would be OK for an updated design to retain the bass of the previous models but it really could use some proper tweeters.Despite its odd looks I'd actually consider getting a redesigned Kaboom if it actually was given a set.