JVC updates the Kaboom for 2011

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Member (SA)
unfortunately just minor but needed updates to the 2010 model.. including a LINE IN jack and the ever usefull "guitar input jack" seems there's a RCA VIDEO OUT jack for your IPOD too.. karaoke perhaps?? as it now has a microphone input.. everything else seems to be the same.. bring back the 6-1/2 inch subs.. then you get my attention.. $350 retail.. nopers for me.. they suckered me once.. here's a CES 2011 video link..



Member (SA)
All the plastic on their headphones and speaker covers to match the kaboom's 'look' actually makes them look like garbage. The black/carbon kaboom does look cool, but the price is quite high, and once again, many would likely rather buy a nice vintage unit for the same money.


Member (SA)
It's almost ironic how "progress" in the JVC line went from the utterly awesome RV-NB1 to the decisively less awesome Kaboom. :-/
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