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Master Z

Member (SA)
I picked this box up for a 10 spot for a buddy of mine that's been wanting a tape player. It's in ok shape and should work out for him. It doesn't really have a lot of features, its just a straight up radio and tape deck. One plus is that it has really good reception, oh and those cool JVC blue speakers! Nothing to write home about but it will be going to someone who will use it.




Member (SA)
That has pretty good curb appeal. I like the blue cones and high '83-84 styling. Looks like it might sound pretty respectable for its class. I wish I could find such boxen in the wild!

Master Z

Member (SA)
Actually I'm gonna trade him for a t-shirt he designed as a colabo with another local brand called LoveArtMusic.com.
We are actually in business together on another brand that will showcase local and national artists works on t's.

So I guess I'm not that generous. Lol

It's a pretty small box, real easy to carry around and its light as a feather.

One thing I did have to do is get it working on batteries. It looked like the the contact tab connected to the power board for the springs busted from an impact. I superglued the peice back on and jumped it cause the trace was busted. Worked out great.
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