Well I just dropped off my 550, with my engineer Noel, with a big list of requests.
Fix beat cut switch, radio tape switch, memory switch, voltage selector, cassette door spring, lose microphone. Re cone all drivers. replace sliders. Fit new antenna. service cassette mechanism and replace belts. Clean inside radio dial. Replace lights with white LED and check all caps transistors etc.
Lets see what magic he can work. And thank you Boomboxery for making the service manual available.
Fix beat cut switch, radio tape switch, memory switch, voltage selector, cassette door spring, lose microphone. Re cone all drivers. replace sliders. Fit new antenna. service cassette mechanism and replace belts. Clean inside radio dial. Replace lights with white LED and check all caps transistors etc.
Lets see what magic he can work. And thank you Boomboxery for making the service manual available.