JVC 838 cool fact!

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
So, check this out!

When you are playing something though the line-in on a JVC 838, the VU meters do not swing at the level of the INPUT signal like most other boxes :thumbsdown: . They swing at the level of the OUTPUT.

That's no good for me when I have this box in an office setting. I want the meters to dance, but do not have the option to crank these sucka's up. The 838 sits pretty, but with no VU needle movement while my Discolite LEDs are having a rave seizure and my Fisher 492 LEDs are dancing up a storm.

Since the cassette motor is dead on my 838, I was just playing around with the cassette buttons that when I push RECORD, the VU's swing at the INPUT level of the line in!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :thumbsup: :rock: :w00t: :yes:

For you other guys with working cassettes, maybe push record and pause so you don't burn out your motor? Just sharing so you know you have options!

Thanks for reading! :afro:


Member (SA)

BTW...when you're in the office you should be WORKING...not looking at VU meters dancing on your box :lol: (jk)


Member (SA)
blu_fuz said:
You try working with this blasting above you!

I couldn't :lol:


Member (SA)

Yea I noticed my M70 does this, that's pretty cool about the record making it switch to showing input levels.


Boomus Fidelis
There are many boxes where you only have to push Record, you don't have to push Play or Pause.........just Record.

Universum 16000
Crown 850
Panny RX5500


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hahahahaha yeah I used one of our old baby seat mirrors to spy behind me. Lolol
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