This was purchased as a parts box based on sellers description. They were accurate, but I see a good, repairable unit here and I couldn't bring myself to part it out, so I'm getting it up and running good!
I put new belts on #4 and it plays well!
This one needed knobs and 2 switches repaired.
Luckily, I have extra knobs and bits from RC-828 #3 and they were needed on this one, thanks to a member here!
I repaired the 2 broken switches and got it all back together!
I plan on replacing the cracked outer dial lense with a piece of plex-glass, will get pics when done.
I desoldered the switch with a broken post.
Both broken flush like this one, other removed.
I had to drill out the plastic base, insert piece of nylon for a post and cross drill through bottom of post for pivot pin
Nylon post in place
Correct lever permanently fitted to post