JVC 828 #4 showed up today

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Member (SA)
Got this "parts box" today. Broken back mounting studs, cracked dial lense, missing levers, 2-broken lever posts and dirty. Looked it over, cleaned the switches and slides, fixed the deck mechanical issues and powered it up. Works great! Now what to do with it? :hmmm:



Boomus Fidelis
i have one of those :yes: :yes: mine has a bad bass slider and in need of cassette motor everything else is there ,,these were well built i belive in the 78 79 era :yes: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I'm diggin the look of this one. If I wasn't on punishment I'd ask for one :-/
Liking your avatar monch. What's a good radio to compare it to?


Member (SA)
what to do with it?give it to me!!!! :lol: great catch,you seem to be spawning jvc 828's :yes: still,one more cant hurt :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Jboogie2384 said:
I'm diggin the look of this one. If I wasn't on punishment I'd ask for one :-/
Liking your avatar monch. What's a good radio to compare it to?
m90 telefunken m1 wx1 :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:


Member (SA)
Reli said:
4 of these boxes?? :huh:

I thought I'd have a hard time getting 1, let alone 4! :-D They all work with minor issues that I have, and can, fix. Gave 1 to my Dad for Father's Day because he had one that we used to listen to when I was younger. He loves it! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
It's a nice box but I don't really care for grills on them :-(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Definately a different look, kinda grows on ya, after awhile. ;-)


Member (SA)
This was purchased as a parts box based on sellers description. They were accurate, but I see a good, repairable unit here and I couldn't bring myself to part it out, so I'm getting it up and running good! :thumbsup:

I put new belts on #4 and it plays well! :-)
This one needed knobs and 2 switches repaired. :sadno:
Luckily, I have extra knobs and bits from RC-828 #3 and they were needed on this one, thanks to a member here! :thumbsup:
I repaired the 2 broken switches and got it all back together! :-)
I plan on replacing the cracked outer dial lense with a piece of plex-glass, will get pics when done. :thumbsup:

I desoldered the switch with a broken post.

Both broken flush like this one, other removed.

I had to drill out the plastic base, insert piece of nylon for a post and cross drill through bottom of post for pivot pin

Nylon post in place

Correct lever permanently fitted to post
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