JVC 3090 CQM deck door wont open

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Member (SA)
Just picked up a JVC 3090 and having trouble getting the deck door to open. I meet that resistance that says: "don't push any harder" when the eject button is pushed about half way down. The rest of the deck functions appear to work, just unable to open the door. Appears to be a simple, manual deck. Any ideas, anyone with any experience with these?




Member (SA)
Can't help you with the deck door, but what a cool looking unit. :thumbsup:
Too bad analog TV is just a page in history now. What the hell is the FCC doing with those broadcast frequencies anyway? :hmmm:
Guess I could just Google it.
Sorry to get off topic. I was mezmorized by the pretty pictures. :-O


Member (SA)
Update: did find the spot to jimmy it loose, it just appears that the unit needs a good cleaning and lube job. The soft eject cylinder is extremely slow to the point of keeping it from opening combined with the release lever sticking. And yes I wish there were still analog TV stations, it pi--es me off. Guess I can watch old VHS movies on it though!
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