Just one - but loads saw it

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Member (SA)
Went to the VOLKSWORLD show - was in the BMX show n'shine stand with COOL FLO and the NEW WAVE boys - a good show of bmx's where i was the Judge for it - i couldn't bring loads bikes due to using wifes car - but got one in and also brought along the 777 for peeps to see - loads of people loved it and took shots of it - so many said tey had one back in the day or some thing along the lines of it in size







cheers B ;-)


Member (SA)
SmokinEndo said:
here ya go

couple of my bikes and the 777 in the background

[ Image ]
IMG_1466 by smokin_endo, on Flickr
Damn REDLINE'S?!?! Wow that's a hot one there!! Had the GT Performer too. HARO's are the M90's back in my day. It's amazing what you guys keep your houses. Going house hunting now just to put all my radio's and Mustang stuff into. Good stuff guys!! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Endo ~ dam just been through your flicker account :drool:

that is some man cave you have there and no wonder i can't find any stock with the load you have there

some very very sweet rides there - i think you have nearly one of every thing i want :lol:

now that is some collection you have and one that i would love to have a look at (if i was in the same country as you )

ok i have one that you don't have ;-)

study this then



cheers B :surf:


Member (SA)
Thank You :) We have been collecting for the better part of 10 years and some of the bikes took more than 5 years to piece together. Very few items are refinished and none of them are reproduction. We pride ourselves on the fact that all of the stuff we collect is from the eighties (same with the boomboxes and vintage roller speed skates) I have been to shows all over the US and participate in annual group rides so BMX is a huge part of our lives. We had over 100 bikes but we sold off a bunch and are currently under 20... It's hard to store everything and appreciate them with such a large quantity. How many bikes do you have ? What do you like to collect ?

DUDE ! That is truly amazing ! Is that a factory model offered by Mongoose a prototype or something an imaginative kid dreamed up in the early eighties ? No matter how it came to be it is very unique and I LOVE IT !

Is it your personal bike or a photo you have on file ? That thing is chalked full of top flight parts

Goose F&F...looks like a GT laidback, yellow Cycle Pro Shotgun II saddle, GT Epoch head set, Tuff Neck stem, Hutch clamp, Shimano DX pedals, Diacompe MX brakes, Tech 3 levers Oakley grips.... I can just picture that thing in it's original state and I bet it was the talk of the town

VERY COOL :afro:


Member (SA)
The Goose - It's mine :thumbsup:
Bought it from a guy and the job lot stock he was selling back in '08 - he didn't say any thing about it as he didn't talk much :no: - but it came free with it all

black goose grips

the seat post was a Renthal - it was stuck in there and had welded it's self in there - common prob - in the end i sorted it out with caustic soda - the seat tube need a bit of welding as it has a cut in it from back in the day

so it's not a factory model from mongoose
don't think it's a prototype ?
it started as a '83 goose and then has had the extra tubing added - but it has been done professionally buy some one in the trade and who know well what they were doing - metal end caps on the end stand tubes

the only way i can see it is in '84 the Hutch trickstar came out - so some one got hold of a '83 goose and added the tubing as a copy or a prototype - the frame under the paint is being sorted as we speak and so far the frame is clean and fresh ~ this means using a new frame to do this to, and not some old beat up frame ~ which leads me to a: the parts are top b: the person riding or who bought it new what they wanted and had the money c: some one was trying to make a prototype or just a great one off
So why did they not just buy a trick star in the first place ? who ever did it was in the trade and must of come from a factory or at a garage/shed that could weld in a jig to do this - so some one out there who built up bikes must have know about this bikes history ?

It going to be near the same colour yellow - with blue parts and a splash of chrome
Thinking of changing the bars as i have just some in with a twin top tube that tappers back in (bit like the skyway bars) and this also follows the frame stand

other rides have are
Raleigh Pro Burner - 1 of 52 left in the world we know mine was number 18 to be found at the time ) '82
Ramper R11 XL - 1 of 4 in the UK and mine is the only Australian version known '80
Raleigh Andy Ruffell team burner '85
The yellow goose above '83
Team Mongoose '82
MT RACING Silver fox '83
Gen Ming /Akisu '83
DP firebird GL Plus '85
GT Custom '01

a few others to do and sort out as well

yer i see a load of parts i could use to finish build from the pic's i've seen of yours :cool:
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