Are you sure it's the same BOOMBOX. Anyone that has a 5150 knows that the grill is integral molded into front cover and is super strong. I can't imagine how much impact it would take to break it like that. Anyhow good luck getting it repaired. I doubt you can fix that grill.
As for the two chips on top, that model is always hard to seperate front/back halves. You need to finesse it by working the top edge at slight angle. In fact, I have no way to confirm right now but I think there are clips at both those locations.
As for always blaming delivery people for drops, unless you get one of those guys that deliberately throws stuff over fences (they are the 1 in million) but almost always captured on film, it's far more likely to have dropped from conveyor belt which is how almost all shipping plants process their packages which is why the recommended 2-3" all around of cushioning material. When it falls off, that's what will protect it. If you get no cushion or some balled up newspaper, but doesn't fall off or gets any rough treatment, it could survive. But you can't bank on that so if you recieve one like this in good shape, don't take that to heart and employ same shipping with balled up paper. It's unreliable and you need luck on your side.