Just got real lucky!

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Boomus Fidelis
I packed this with over 60 feet of bubbles and put in thick box and even wrote "VERY FRAGILE GLASS" in huge letters on box and it still got broken. Shockingly the buyer only asked me for help from experience to repair it. He gave positive feedback and said unit sounded and worked excellent!!! He stated post office was purely at fault and knows I packed it great. He also said it was purchased for a garage box so yes I got super lucky!!!


Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Dear me, what a state that's in. Was the outer box pierced or crushed? At least you had a very understanding recipient.

Just goes to show that no matter how hard you try, there could be a moron lurking somewhere.

Perhaps, if you'd scrawled "Please abuse this box" on the outside, 'someone' wouldn't have bothered?


Boomus Fidelis
60 feet of bubble wrap? I doubt I've ever used more than 10-15 (plus peanuts of course).

I'm betting he dropped it and just doesn't want to admit it.


Member (SA)
I wonder if the carrier somehow read the statement very fragile and them do something stupid like drop it on purpose...I'm only guessing this? immature worker what else would explain it


Member (SA)
That's tragic. All the radios I've purchased and traded with You have been packed superbly. I too, pack radios with about 60 ft. of bubble wrap, and Styrofoam peanuts. And, double line the new cardboard box with a second cardboard inserts. But, even all that won't guarantee stupidity by the shipping handlers. :thumbsdown:


Boomus Fidelis
60 feet of bubble wrap? I doubt I've ever used more than 10-15 (plus peanuts of course).

I'm betting he dropped it and just doesn't want to admit it.

I asked him for clearer pics and pics of the actual box and he just said it wasn't to big of a deal and never sent and I had figured with how the plastic grill broke that bad and he didn't show the grill pieces he possibly may have just dropped it after unpacking. 🤔


Boomus Fidelis
How the hell would it get broken like that?!?!?! wow.

That was my thought because I don't see any other frontal damage just chips on top 🤔


Boomus Fidelis
The holes on top look like he tried to pry it open with a screwdriver.

And the grill? No way would it be cleanly broken off in a complete circle. If the postman hit it, half of it would still be there.


Boomus Fidelis
The holes on top look like he tried to pry it open with a screwdriver.

And the grill? No way would it be cleanly broken off in a complete circle. If the postman hit it, half of it would still be there.

He also stated the front was loose and broken pieces were inside loose. I'm just glad I didn't get screwed like other members have in past😐


Member (SA)
Reli said:
The holes on top look like he tried to pry it open with a screwdriver.

And the grill? No way would it be cleanly broken off in a complete circle. If the postman hit it, half of it would still be there.
My initial thought was maybe the buyer just finished breaking out the remainder of the cracked grill, as people do with broken window panes, as a temporary measure. As for the broken chips, who the heck knows? :hmmm:


Staff member
Are you sure it's the same BOOMBOX. Anyone that has a 5150 knows that the grill is integral molded into front cover and is super strong. I can't imagine how much impact it would take to break it like that. Anyhow good luck getting it repaired. I doubt you can fix that grill.

As for the two chips on top, that model is always hard to seperate front/back halves. You need to finesse it by working the top edge at slight angle. In fact, I have no way to confirm right now but I think there are clips at both those locations.

As for always blaming delivery people for drops, unless you get one of those guys that deliberately throws stuff over fences (they are the 1 in million) but almost always captured on film, it's far more likely to have dropped from conveyor belt which is how almost all shipping plants process their packages which is why the recommended 2-3" all around of cushioning material. When it falls off, that's what will protect it. If you get no cushion or some balled up newspaper, but doesn't fall off or gets any rough treatment, it could survive. But you can't bank on that so if you recieve one like this in good shape, don't take that to heart and employ same shipping with balled up paper. It's unreliable and you need luck on your side.


Boomus Fidelis
I don't think it is the same box. Most people are not a fan of those grills. It looks like someone tried to chip off those grills and then gave up. A direct hit would have ruined the speaker for sure! This looks like someone exchanged the front face of it.

But why?????


Boomus Fidelis
BoomboxLover48 said:
I don't think it is the same box. Most people are not a fan of those grills. It looks like someone tried to chip off those grills and then gave up.

Ah ha ha ha.....that's actually funny, and could in fact be true! Those grills are boring beige, and need replacement.....or at least re-painted to a nice metallic gray


Member (SA)
You guys should have your own series on the History Channel called "Boombox Detectives"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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