blu_fuz said:
So the higher the minutes the thinner the tape is meaning you could get more minutes out of your tape swap than starting with a 60 min tape which is thicker.....? Are METAL tapes that much better? I am a cassette newbe, sorry
Yes, I think you might be able to get more time in those tapes by using stock from a C-110 or C-120. Especially versus what you'd get from a TDK SA 60, which is a relatively thick tape.
And about metal tapes, the performance from them can be very, very good if you have a well tuned tape deck capable of bringing the best out in them. Think of the best metals out there (TDK MA-X, MA-R, MA-XG, Maxell MX, Sony Metal Master) as being capable of A+ recordings on the right deck. But..., for all intents and purposes, the performance you can get out of the likes a TDK SA and Maxell XLII tapes (especially the late 80's to mid 90's forumulations) are more than good enough for any boombox and most mid-fi home stereo systems. If top metals are capable of an A+ recording, then let's call the SA and XLII capable of B+ quality tapes. And the really top flight chromes like Maxell XLII-S, TDK SA-X and Fuji ZII can pull off an A-, comparable with some lesser quality metals, even... And like we talk boomboxes, there are websites and forums dedicated to talking about the quality of tapes and recorders....
djetaine said:
How would one go about splicing a lead in? I'm just worried about it pulling apart.
Splicing tape is probably the best to use, but it's kind of expensive. [ebay]250619536960[/ebay] For splicing leader to magnetic tape, you could do a test on one of your tapes with Scotch tape on both sides of the splice and see how it holds up to your strongest deck motor... It's not the most "recommended" method, but the cheapest. I've done it before and had good enough results, but those splices were mid-tape where there's no real torque like you get at the end of a tape and winding. Still, I think scotch tape on both sides will suffice.
Fatdog said:
The thing with reels is you are limited to around 54 minutes of tape. Anything more than that and you run the risk of stuff messing up - primarily the overflow tape from the take up reel fitting perfectly into the other reel.
Bobby, it is possible, but you have to use thinner tape. There are some of those Reel Cleer tapes in C-90 length. I was surprised when I first saw them on ebay, but I picked up two of the gold color CRMII's in C-90 length. There aren't any like mine listed right now but here's a silver C-90 here [ebay]200388078348[/ebay]. I know the tape must be incredibly thin for them to get away with it (for the exact reason you specify) but they seem to play fine in my boxes.