Just An Update Guys!

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Member (SA)
I have been in hostipal again.........

Had a funny turn or experience where I wasn't here with everyone else but back in that dark place I visited after the stroke & mental meltdown/coma in 2013/14........I was at home thankfully where it seems I simply went "Off The Clock" just like last time it happened & was acting in a very strange manner!!

Dog raised the alarm with next door by woofing out of the window until next door lady came & found me very mixed up - I went into a coma again in ambulance & was kept that way for 4 days when I was woken up & felt as fine as i can ever feel, back to (My Normal) if that makes sense! Was allowed home 2 days later!

Glad to be home etc I still feel a little fragile & have what I can only describe as 'Brain Ache' which I am very used to as a stroke victim............it is fading away slowly thank god!

Here's the thing though: NO diagnosis as such, NO explanation or even any advice even from the impossible to see/talk to doctors - my neuro surgeon is away at present & I can rely on him when there, so a meeting is arranged to go through what it could have been............This seems the norm with brain injuries, so little is known about the matter inside our heads, that you feel kind of isolated if you know what I mean.........I can't blame anyone at the hostipal, they are awesome beyond words, it's just that these specialists & brain people are SO hard to pin down for a diagnosis, so I am still alive & feeling thankful I guess, just not sure I can go through anymore of these terrifying episodes!!

Is it just me or does it seem extraordinary that after my brain has thrown a paddy, after a deep sleep I wake up & everything is back to normal with NO memory at all of what happened?? Yet my carer left me & I was just fine until the next day when it happened!! I can still walk talk & do everything like before & am quickly recovering every day - Won't be doing any repairs for a while though lol!!

Well that's pretty much it for now, am chilling out to the sounds of my Silver SR-8800L & have been every day - just playing tape after tape & resting!!

That's all for now people!!


Emblem Found & Fitted - July 2018 (2).jpg



Member (SA)
When reading something as frightening as what happened to you in your post it becomes all too clear how delicate and fragile we all are and that even the strongest of us could succumb to the unexpected at any time. What you went through sounds both terrifying and strange at the same time and the recovery without a clear explanation is just as baffling but it's nice to know you're getting better and continuing to improve. Man's Best Friend is certainly your Best Friend - look after each other! :thumbsup: :rock:


Member (SA)
Sorry to hear this Nick, as you say so little is known about brain function is got to be a tricky thing to diagnose. Rest up and try to get well.


Boomus Fidelis
Jeez Nick that sounds scary. And you’re right they know so little about our grey matter...I’m a frequent visitor to a neurologist for my partner and they never know anything for sure, it’s all guess work. Not their fault, they’re doing the best they can, it’s just that brains aren’t simple! Mostly :-)

Get better soon Nick


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm glad to see you back and checking in but really sad to hear you have been through this. Stay strong.


Staff member
WOW!!! Nick, take it easy my friend. The brain is a great mystery and does some strange things, especially after a stroke. Do all you can to get well and we wish for the best. :yes:


Member (SA)
Feeling better every day that passes - loving my air conditioner tower fan & my music!! 🙂🙂🙂
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