Gee whiz, Jimmy! You make us look stupid with those brand new boomboxes.
😄😜your to funny Bobby I actually had them for quite some time... Picked up by two great members here jboogie and blufuzz awesome guys .... I'm going to keep showing the"grails" over some time😄😄😄😄
that 777 did not see day light for approximately 3 yrs. once she got juice she started up quick and sounded really nice.
It's my first time seeing a mint 777 with it's cardboard box and it took me back when I was a teenager unboxing a boombox and then blasting away. If I knew then what I know now and would have kept all my boomers with their cardboard box I would have had an awesome investment!!!!
Very very beautiful!! I know what it's like to have NIB Sharp from 81' incredibly special and that fresh electronics smell,nothing like it!!!😋😎 Very happy for Jimmy,couldn't be with a more deserving member.😋😎🎼💳📟💳
Beautiful radios. How that minty Sharp sound anyways??? Pretty good I bet.
it sounds wounderful it's brand new ... Btw thank you for your 9/11 reply means a lot to me
Very very beautiful!! I know what it's like to have NIB Sharp from 81' incredibly special and that fresh electronics smell,nothing like it!!!😋😎 Very happy for Jimmy,couldn't be with a more deserving member.😋😎🎼💳📟💳
thank you Jeff 😄😄😄
Look forward to seeing future posts
thanks Chris and yes I'm gonna keep adding to this post ..... Since I have them it's no fun not sharing them with our community 😄thanks again
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