Japanese Boom Box Super Store!

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Member (SA)

Did a quick link with tanslation HERE

MIght be going to Singapore some time soon, checking where these guys are located.

Lasonic TRC-920

docs said:

Did a quick link with tanslation HERE

MIght be going to Singapore some time soon, checking where these guys are located.

Their in Tokyo....I'm going to try to stop in if I cam on the way home in August!


Member (SA)
The Nationals are killaz especially the RX-PA7 it has CD but man she looks great, then RS-4250 wicked also a true classic the RQ-548 I remember seeing it an ad of a new line of Nationals on a 197? Playboy magazine.

Then the Mitsubishi JR-801 ohhhh man! :drool:

This one just flew me backward the Diatone Y-500 where did this come from! :w00t: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
All we need is one member with a gold credit card to walk into that place,

"Where are all your boomboxes?"

"Im sorry Sir, someone from boomboxery came in here and wiped us out.. All we have left is some panapets and a pencil sharpener"



Lasonic TRC-920

Some of the stuff the is crazy clean. I think they have a full shop that is tearing them down, cleaning and making repairs!

Just amazing!

Lasonic TRC-920

mellymelsr said:
...some beautiful radios there, but you better bring a thick wallet to that store...

Some time back I had read a thread about "Why doesn't someone open up a Boombox store?" Well here it is.

Really the prices aren't back. Most of that stuff cost more new and people bought it back then when money was worth less!


No Longer Active
I saw that site about a month or so ago when Googling "BomBeat"... Yeah, they've got some great stuff, but nothing I haven't seen before...

Still, their boxes do appear to be cleaner than a mickyficky! :cool:

Lasonic TRC-920

I saw that site about a month or so ago when Googling "BomBeat"... Yeah, they've got some great stuff, but nothing I haven't seen before...

Still, their boxes do appear to be cleaner than a mickyficky! :cool:

Yeah, I think they are doing what allot of members here are doing, tearing them down, cleaning them THE RIGHT way and servicing them.

Nothing people here aren't doing, but they do have some great models available.
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