Jaetee Scores a sweet CL Mini

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Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
JT asked me to pick up this sweet Panasonic from a craigslist ad in my area. Got it last nite for him
and a nice deal for $15.


Uncle Ed

Member (SA)
It would handily have won in the mini catagory back in March. I am super impressed at the volume with no distortion.
12V 13 Watts, Japan (Not Taiwan or singapore) and heavy as a black hole with a handle. :-D

I offered the guy $16 but he said he had promised it to JT


Member (SA)
These come up loads here in the UK
not been man enought to make a move yet:

Still awaiting my Panasonic RX5300 and RX5500

Pansonic boxes rock the shop no doubt
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