IV São Paulo Hip Hop Meeting.

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Boomus Fidelis
that's awesome! i noticed the purple conion , must say i like it :yes: never thought i would see a purple c100 but **** it looks bad ass.


Boomus Fidelis
that is truly an epic meet , i think i could spend all day just looking at the boxes , would also be nice to meet a few fellow collectors. i met a few and it was great!.


Member (SA)
Fantastic! Everyone seems to be having a good time and I like the great amount of boomboxes there, let alone the variety: from small to huge, exotic models and grails - and cool customised boxes, too. And I love those bikes :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
That is INSANE! You guys are hardcore out there, I saw some of these pics on Instagram and my jaw dropped when I saw the variety of boomboxes you all had there, thanks for all the great pictures bro! Looks like so much fun out there.


Member (SA)
WOWWWW,THAT IS DOPE! Did you guys have a power source? Or are all those running on D's? Impressive all the way around man.


Member (SA)
Some lead acid batteries... ...but this meeting was some kind of Summit... ...they have a stage with powerfull sound and some rap groups spit some lyrics...


Member (SA)
Hardmen, you never disappoint! You dudes always represent! Props from the US! :hooray:

I like the graff grilles on that Sharp 555 or 666..? (2nd pic) :breakdance:
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