ITT Touring 120 refurbing / cleaning?

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Member (SA)
I found a fully working 120 in a flea market and I'm trying to clean it up before I put it on working display in my front room :)

The outsides have cleaned up a treat but the inside of the window over the tuner and LED's is filthy, and the indicator bar has chunks of dust hanging off. This will not do.

Has anyone ever taken the back off one? Not being familiar with the model I'm just checking for anything to watch for / be aware of in doing this.



Member (SA)
Just for the update: managed to pry the clear plastic off, and clipped back in without too much effort.

Now shining!


Member (SA)
You got em:

I didn't document the cleaning but it wasn't so bad overall. Obviously well taken care of as there wasn't a scratch or a ding anywhere, just some gunk (possibly rust) I can't remove on the speaker grille.

I suspect this used to be in someones shed at some point given how much sawdust was inside. The clear plastic at the top was fogged with the stuff. Used a nylon spudger and a cooperative housemate to pry it off. Snapped back in well enough I didn't need to use glue.

My next move is to attempt a few non invasive mods such as a battery pack to avoid financial ruin from all the C's I'd need to use, and a bluetooth-to-din adapter for iPods and such. (sorry, dear purists.).
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