It's Official!

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Member (SA)
I've been officially approved for access to all sections of the koolest forum on the planet!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Thank you FATDOG and whoever else contributed to letting me be a part of the gang. I will do my best to contribute to the boomboxery community and to make sure I represent to keeping the subculture alive. I've had the boombox bug since I was 5 years old, thanks to my older brother and his boys who were break dancing in 83' :breakdance: with an old big-sized knock off flea market boombox that was a LazerTech brand.... a real deal mexican flea market in Houston, TX. :cool:

Boomboxery has really made my day.... smoke em' if you got em :-P


Member (SA)
Congrats on hitting the milestone. But maybe even more cool to me is that I see you are in Minneapolis. I don't believe I've ran into another 612 member on the board yet (or Twin Cities ar all), at least nobody that I've seen speak up for awhile. Nice to hear there's at least 1 other boombox head in the area. I live in the Armatage area in SW mpls between 62/Penn and Lake Harriet.

I see you have a few boxes in your 'wanted' list. Well not that I'm looking to sell them (right now), but if you wanted to see em in person maybe we can meet up. Of your list, I've got the M90, a few C100s, 2 Sharp 777s, a 975, and a 935 w white woofers, then maybe 25 others like C999 and C126, M70s, Bombeat WX1, 920, 920T, MX-19 Discolite, JVC 838, Lasonics 931/920/922 etc etc. I know I'd love to see any model I can so when I see that model available online or wherever, I know how much I like it or not, and it's functionality.

And being that your sign off was 'speakers goin' hammer', you are either a fan of Soulja Boy and/or you go to Get Cryphy every month at first ave where that song is a given to be heard banging. My favorite DJ duo of Plain Ole Bill and Jimmy2Times just tear it up every month there, as well as last Friday at Prof's ridiculous show last week. If you haven't heard their Get Cryphy 3 year mix, and want to blow some woofers..... go to 7:40 in. Then download the entire mix for free and throw your head through a wall as the entire mix is just sick. Just BANGERS. ... y-mix.html

Hit me up if you wanna catch up sometime. I get annoying talking boom boxes to my friends that just aren't that into it.

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Member (SA)
Damn bro... You do have quite the collection! I'd be more then down to have some boombox sessions. I live in Nordest Mpls, work in dinkytown at a kool little hiphop shop called MindState. It's good to see that there are other Twin Cities people on there, I know there's at least one other guy on here who goes by the name BadNRad....He's pretty Rad!

I am a fan of Soulja Boy and a fan a literally making my speakers goin' hammer, have been for a very long time. :w00t: I agree with you on the dj duo of Mpls. , those guys are the **** when it comes to hiphop dj'n and mash ups. I've been seeing those guys around for quite sometime. Jimmi Two Times used to come down to MindState on some weekends and cut it up with DJ X-Cal. I used to cut it up with them but I suck :-/ They're some talented DJ's for sure! :cool: Some how I have not made it down to any Get Cryphy nights downtown, Iast time I seen them together was when club Foundation was still around. I must be getting old :-O I'll have to get down there soon!

Lets get up some day and Have a boombox battle :thumbsup: you'll win lol


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Staff member
You guys are only a stones throw away from me, skippy, spud, GZ and a few other members in WI


Member (SA)
mindstate612 said:
I've been officially approved for access to all sections of the koolest forum on the planet!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Thank you FATDOG and whoever else contributed to letting me be a part of the gang. I will do my best to contribute to the boomboxery community and to make sure I represent to keeping the subculture alive.
:thumbsup: You now get the Right of Passage,'Official BoomBoxery Noogie'....


Member (SA)
You're getting old? I'd assume I might have you beat at 34. If you actually like Souja Boy you have to be younger than me cause I just can't like him for more than a hook and beat in the club as I'm still wearing out my Beatnuts and BDP type records, and the new stuff I like is more RSE, Shabazz Palaces, Del, Mos Def type stuff. I used to go to Foundation as well with Jimmy and Bill up there for what was the 'Party and Bullshit' parties. They went from that to Get Cryphy that's selling out every month of late. This months was hosted by Prof, so he threw down throughout the night, and POS and Mike Mictlan even did a new Doomtree song of two from atop the speakers. Few months party there was a full Doomtree after party under a bridge post Cryphy. So it's always something crazy. I actually just had Plain Ole Bill DJ in my living room for my birthday in June (that was my 'gift' from my girlfriend). And Jimmy just offically moved back from Brooklyn so maybe you'll see him back in there.

I'll have to stop by the shop sometime, never been and rarely hit Dinkytown since the Needle Doctor moved out. Although I was just at TCF Stadium on Saturday, and now I see Atmosphere is doing a show there homecoming weekend. Pretty crazy for them to be the 'pep rally band' of sorts. Maybe Slugo will rock the Goldy costume.

:eek:fftopic: :dj-party:


Member (SA)
Yeah, you got me beat...I'll be 33 the end of this month. You're right, getting old is a lame excuse for catching the best acts in town. I just wish more out of town acts would not skip Minneapolis. Seen the RSE and Doomtree peeps way too many times. Twin Cities is a small place, I'm sure we have some of the same acquaintances around here. You're bday must of been off the meters man :cool: ... sounds like a good time :yes: You're girlfriend really came through with a great gift.

You'll for sure have to stop down and check out the shop in dinkytown sometime. I'm surprised you've never been down there, MindState has been around since 2001. Our company started with independent hiphop, dancehall, reggae mixtapes(cassettes), CD's and Vinyl. Overtime we became more of a clothing store then a music store. It's tough paying the bills selling CD's and records, especially since the whole download era blew up shortly after. Speakers are goin' hammer down there for sure... BIGTIME :yes:

Good meeting you on here bro, It's always a small world. Like I said, I'm down for a session anytime.... whether it's boomboxin' , spinnin' records, scratchn', or sharing music... it's all good :cool:



Member (SA)
Of course I end up at Fifth Element moreso as it's 10 minutes away. As you were saying, it seems like they too have maybe a 5th of the actual music in there they used to even 5 years ago. Much more clothing, books, dunnys now and anything that might be hiphop related in anyway. I have told Felipe they need to get a vintage boom box in there on the display sheaves next to the racks of paint cans, Madvillian toys and all. I would assume you got one of yours in your joint? I think it's pretty much should be required to have a vintage box, tables, some street art, and vinyl in any store that calls itself a hiphop store.

Just checking out the site, and my bank acct is nervous already. Looks like I could do some damage there. Might stop by yet today as I gotta run around anyways. Maybe one of the last days to have the top down.


Member (SA)
I'd love to leave some nice boxes up there at the shop for people to enjoy, but I get nervous just thinking about leaving a much loved box unattended up there :no: . So don't be too bummed when you don't see a box up there. Turn tables have been moved off the sales floor due to space issues, will be making their return very soon. At times the store get packed with clothing racks, not a bad thing though. Otherwise I'm sure you will enjoy your visit down at MindState :yes: :yes: :yes:

Let me know if you're interested in any gear... I'll make sure you get the homie hook up. I have ways of making that happen :ninja:
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