It's Official ! ..... i'm now a boombox collector ;-)

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Marty Machine

Member (SA)
After todays haul, i'm now officially a boombox collector hehehehee ;)

Snooping around, meeting up with a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy, and scored ALL these in one hit for $150. :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Top-Right: Hitachi TRK-9200W.
Left-to-right (middle row): Sanyo M9927K, AWA SB213, Hitachi TRK-9011AU.
Left-to-right (bottom row): Sanyo C30, National RX-5500FA, Sharp GF-9500Z.

He also threw in some mono boxes etc...

Left-to-right: National - RX-1450A, GE - CA5151, National (stereo) - SG-740, Beachcomber BC-1C (radio only).
( the Beachcomber has a built-in "tanning timer", plus a small cupboard to store your sunscreen, keys/wallet etc ).

The rear panel of the National SG-740 stores 4 cassette tapes, so you wont lose them ;) cool huh?

I also picked up a few Ebay & Thrift Shop pickups today too......busy boy ;)

left - (ebay) AIKO - RTR-7090 Integrated TV/Boombox - as NEW, almost out of box, it's CLEAN !!!
right-bottom (thrift) - Goldstar TWP-7041 (missing left speaker).
right-top (ebay) - National RX-C52

phew..... :-P :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You got some nice boxes in that haul!! Welcome aboard the collector cruise.
Funny, it looks like that AWA SB213 has 6x9's and that "SB" stands for Strānj-Bōōmbŏks maybe??? I love it!!! Great catch brother!!! :thumbsup: :yes:


Member (SA)
That's a really keen haul. I spot some pretty nice boxes in there, but even if there weren't, for such short cash it's a fill-in no brainer. Good luck to you, and I hope you acquire many more fabulous boxen.


Member (SA)
yep the 5500 is a top notch box :yes: the only thing that lets it down a little is the bass :-D i traded mine for a GE BLOCKY, fair swap id say :thumbsup: nice gf 9500 too mate, great scores well done ;-)


Member (SA)
hahahha..."it's official!...i'm now a boombox collector"... hahha...It is said by doctors of the mind that if you own one of something - your an owner...If you own two- your a collector..hahah...yepper...the reason for sites like this...We can come together and discuss our mutual sickness...hehee..

Sharp: 9494
Panasonic :5180
JVC: 838 , RCW3
Sanyo: 9935K
Toshiba: 8290s
*many shortwave radios...


Member (SA)
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
That's a heckuva haul.......will keep you busy for awhile!
This is a dream I bet we've all had time and again!
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