I don't care what people say but the conion shits on the m90 it was just to big and to loud lol
Maybe for loudness but not for sound quality and the M90 can lay it down hard . The conion is just a badass boombox no two ways about it .
There are two main differences I have noticed comparing my M90 to my Conion C100F models.
One is the volume response. The M90's volume pot is linear versus the audio taper of the Conion so the Conion gets louder quicker and earlier on the volume dial compared to the M90. The Conion's audio taper pot is nice when you have a low level recording because you can continue up the volume dial and still rock a soft recording loudly albeit with a lot of hiss...lol.
The second thing is what I believe is a result of crossovers vs speakers more than the power of the amplifier itself. The downside to the Conion compared to the M90 (IMO) has to do with the crossovers and/or speakers. On a normal level recording, you find that you need to start backing down the bass on the Conion as you start moving your way up the volume dial or it starts clipping vocals and mid range sounds through the main woofer. This is where the M90 is more refined and shines. Despite the fact that you are higher up on its volume scale, you can really ramp up the audio level to a higher level than the C100F with less distortion without needing to readjust bass levels. It appears to me that JVC only increases bass response up until you pass the center tap on the volume pot and then it starts ramping up mid range from there for loudness and to keep distortion to a minimum. I've noticed they do this with the M70 also. It's as though the JVC goes from that seemingly meek and mild mannered boy to "Bring it!!" mode as you creep up the volume. Unlike the Conion, it continues to deliver as you increase the volume past the level you would expect it to cave...and in some cases actually starts sounding better and better which is the opposite of what you are expecting. The highs are more crisp than the Conion and obviously the cassette deck and circuitry is less crude than the Conion. Selections on the M90 are made without pops and cracks and clicks like the Conion and its tuner is FAR superior if that's an important feature.
At this point it may appear I am favoring the M90 over the Conion. Well, yes and no. I believe the M90 to be a more refined machine but sometimes its nice to take a box out that's a little on the wild side....and that's the Conion. Sometimes you don't want an all about business type of machine. Sometimes you want the flashy and loud machine that brings the wow factor and excitement. To me, the M90 is like an educated female lawyer which is all business and professional but can become gorgeous when she takes her glasses off and lets her hair down. The Conion goes louder, has 2 cassette decks, cassette storage, stereo wide feature and my favorite thing that's missing on the JVC.....LIGHTS! I can't tell you how annoying it is to attempt to change radio stations or see what your doing in the dark on the M90 with only a Power and Stereo indicator light. The Conion may not be a cleaner sound....and sometimes it might hurt to hear what it's playing loudly....but it can shout louder than the M90 and its flashing lights and swinging meters make it look good while doing it.
In a nutshell, both manufactures check the mark for what they were aiming for. They both have their place in life and I feel that anyone who has the opportunity to own both machines do so