Isn't it about time?

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Member (SA)
We arranged a big online meet?
Video conferencing will have its issues, especially if many people join.
A chat group "could" work but maybe with the ability to share photo's etc. (like one large whatsapp group or similar, or Discord server).
It would be great to meet up with people we have spoken to over the years, even for just a 6 minute chat. It's been too long.


Boomus Fidelis
Great idea. We’ve done it as a small group and we had a blast. Time to upscale and meet the only way we can these days


Member (SA)
No appetite for this from across the pond or around the world it seems? Strange times, with more and more people collecting yet the forum is pretty dead. With people hiding behind pseudonyms, perhaps fb groups is the way to go for ease of sharing?
Anyway, shame, I think a mass meet would be cool.


Member (SA)
I dunno. Seems as if FB is where everyone turns to. I still prefer forums. You get to know the "few good people" that are constantly here Vs, the hundreds of people on FB that pop up and disappear. I think a meet would be awesome. This last year has really altered our lives. Doubt you will get to deal with a person when you call for something. Everything is now done on computer or email. Not my cup of tea.
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Member (SA)
I still have Myspace. Never got FB. I'm not here as often as I used to be, I'll blame it on having three girls ages 6, 4 and 2. But this is still the best forum and group of people I've had the pleasure of chatting and enjoying a hobby/collection/addiction with.

I'd enjoy trying to be a part of something if it's a zoom thing or whatever, or if by chance we had a real meet with enough notice.
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