Is This What a Good TRK 8190E Goes For?

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Boomus Fidelis
Hardly. Those boxes usually only fetch £80-200, tops.

Note there were only 2 bidders above £200


Boomus Fidelis
Madness. Who’d pay that much for one? Can’t be legit surely. I’ve got one awaiting resto that’ll be sold, might hurry up and do it lol


Member (SA)
I’m calling Shenanigans! Those 8190’s are nice boxes but not particularly rare and sit somewhere in the middle of that Hitachi range.
If it re-lists then you’ll know for sure.


Member (SA)
Yeah that has to be bs, these are bass shy and average sounding although built well. Worth no more than a long un. Someones having a bubble...


Member (SA)
I also noticed he saying to ignore the £5 eBay postage and pay £20.00 instead, something tells me there's something a little dodgy going on there as well.


Boomus Fidelis
Yeah I don't understand sellers who say "Ebay shipping estimate isn't correct". It's not that difficult to decide in advance what size box you're going to use, and input that data into Ebay. Weighing it isn't difficult either.


Boomus Fidelis
I don't think they sound that bad. True, they need more bass, but there's a lot of other radios that sound worse, like the RX-5150, Trident CX-457, Clairtone 7975, Sony CFS-F5, Sony CFS-88, and pretty much any Emerson lol


Boomus Fidelis
If anybody ever listen to it out doors it gets very loud and sounds great , but in doors it sounds kinda flat.
I think it sounds best out doors. Wish I never sold mine it was as a great boombox.
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