Is this too pricey????

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Member (SA) is quite a bit too much that he asks for it.
This is maybe the maximum for one with all sliders in place and working record player and tape deck.
Like this....hands off :thumbsdown:
"Most importantly...the AUX works"....what a piece of crap - a working AUX is not the reason why I put a freaking vertical record player in my bedroom :lol:

EDIT: OOOH - the record player opens AND closes :-O
I seriously think you should consider this one if it opens AND closes....I have never seen that on a VZ2000 before :-O :-O
[end sarcasm\]


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Considering that shipping will automatically add another $200 from Australia, this VZ in its current condition is a no-no.


Member (SA)
And still have some blur spots in front of me from those massive red letters :lol: . Crazy price for a half box :thumbsdown: . At least the seller made a lot of pics and stated (probably) all problems.


Member (SA)
He's dreaming. A mint one just sold for $740 over here so he thinks he's on to a winner.
There's quite a few VZ over here so I'd definetely be waiting for a better one


Member (SA)
ViennaSound said:
Why are the sliders always missing? :-/
At mine too, and also dead player.

thinke the sliders get brittle over the years, very rear to find one with all sliders, record decks are always dead, easy fix though just new belts

way over priced imho


Member (SA)
One in similar condition just sold on there for 160 about a week ago, which seems much more reasonable for a unit that needs work.
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