Is this rare?

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New Member

i am new here. We are cleaning up and came across some old boomboxes. One is a Toshiba Rt7025. Is this a rare model and is it worth much? I saw it on

This was mine growing up And is in perfect working order. Please enlighten us. We have had offers of 20 and 50 dollars but not sure if this is reasonable.

thanks for your help.


Member (SA)
It is worth whatever someone is willing to pay.
It isn't rare and probably worth what you've been offered in my opinion.


Member (SA)
You can get these ones to sound good and easy to work on. The value is if it's fully working.


Member (SA)
That box is worth at million really, I think I had the same one back in the 80's and I loved every minute of it. I think the box had more stories than I did from taping music to playing for every punk rock band that went through town. It pretty much was audio dynamite but it was pretty low on the totem pole for cool boxes. I'd bring it downtown, the seedy side, and use it at work, I was kind of a jack of all trades at the time and the boss was a scumbag. He always had a couple people that would work just about all of the time and when I wasn't doing my normal job of printing T-shirts, I'd fill in when they had enough and needed a night out. The box never let me down except the batteries only lasted a few tapes so it mostly did radio duty.

Asking value on this forum is like rubbing your fingernails across the caulkboard, although I love to know what's lusted after and average value since I have a vested interest in my personal collection, that some personal acquaintances have shamed me for owning. I don't go after that model and I'd take the offers you mentioned. In fact I've got a few better ones that I'd love to get that much for. That model is a pretty basic model that might have gone for $40-$60 back in 86 which is pretty cheap in the boombox world.


Member (SA)
Search around eBay to see what they're going for. That'll show you what people are actually paying for them. Otherwise just enjoy it.
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