Is this a VZ sales record?

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Staff member
VZ2000's have sold for more but I don't recall the 2500 selling for that much. But the guy did a terrific job of documenting the refurbishing job of that VZ and I predicted that it would go high. I actually would not have been suprised had it gone for more.


Member (SA)
i just missed out on a very very good 2500 in the uk......but im broke at the end of the month and it went above what i wanted to pay..... :sad:

Im wondering now what my 9.5 out of 10 VZ 2000 would sell for (don't worry im not selling)



Boomus Fidelis
Doesn't really surprise me the amounts the VZ's are going for because when they sold back in the hay day they went from $800 on up :yes:


Member (SA)
Surprised you?? I'm the one that sold it, and it shocked the sh** out of me, for sure! I loved redoing this one, but the cassette decks are a nightmare. I am going to do more videos of the cassette part soon. One caveat about these is if the rewind/FF fly gear is cracked, there are no replacements available . When I went to work at the Sharp service center in 1993, they were already NLA due to the extreme number of replacements they had to supply. There are workarounds tho.


Staff member
45player said:
...........When I went to work at the Sharp service center in 1993, they were already NLA due to the extreme number of replacements they had to supply. There are workarounds tho.

Thanks for that tidbit of info, 45player....

In your experience, did the VZ2000 suffer from the same problems? Also, what is the workaround you speak of?


Member (SA)
The boxes affected by this problem are all of the Sharp models that have "soft touch" controls. The problem is once the gear cracks, it loses it's grip on the post then it will just sit and slip. This happens due to the plastic microscopically shrinking over the years. Now, once it cracks, It will have to be "Pinned"- taken out (the whole assembly) and with a micro drill, a hole drilled through the gear collar into the metal post, then pinned with a piece of a micro drill bit. Yeah... it's a LOT of work.


Boomus Fidelis
45player said:
The boxes affected by this problem are all of the Sharp models that have "soft touch" controls. The problem is once the gear cracks, it loses it's grip on the post then it will just sit and slip. This happens due to the plastic microscopically shrinking over the years. Now, once it cracks, It will have to be "Pinned"- taken out (the whole assembly) and with a micro drill, a hole drilled through the gear collar into the metal post, then pinned with a piece of a micro drill bit. Yeah... it's a LOT of work.
WOW :huh: sounds like lots of work...and the bit used sounds tiny :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Yeah, it is a REAL tiny drill bit- the type used for drilling PC boards. It has to be the smallest you can get to do the job- I get the bits at Micromark. Tearing down these decks is a challenge- you have to take them apart in layers, with plenty of pix taken as you go and many notes about what went where. This machine was what you guys call a "molested" machine, in that someone tried to reapir it, put it back together wrong, then I got it. :-/ I am a sadist this way- I LOVE machines that are molested- But they have to be ones I like- none of those jellybean or egg shaped things from the 90's on up.
45player said:
Surprised you?? I'm the one that sold it, and it shocked the sh** out of me, for sure! I loved redoing this one, but the cassette decks are a nightmare. I am going to do more videos of the cassette part soon. One caveat about these is if the rewind/FF fly gear is cracked, there are no replacements available . When I went to work at the Sharp service center in 1993, they were already NLA due to the extreme number of replacements they had to supply. There are workarounds tho.

You know 45player, now that I think of it, theres a member here called =ml= that can make a copy of that rewind/FF fly gear (he's got a 3D printer)... if you have one in good enough condition I'm sure he could copy it right =ml= ?


Member (SA)
Boy, how grand THAT would be for someone to repro these gears. There are a ton of Sharp BB's out there that could be saved from the landfill. I could supply him with a good gear to copy from - Good for a pattern, anyways.


Member (SA)
45player said:
Boy, how grand THAT would be for someone to repro these gears. There are a ton of Sharp BB's out there that could be saved from the landfill. I could supply him with a good gear to copy from - Good for a pattern, anyways.
Send it my way. I can do gears! :yes: :-D

I'll PM you my 411.




Boomus Fidelis
45player said:
Boy, how grand THAT would be for someone to repro these gears. There are a ton of Sharp BB's out there that could be saved from the
landfill. I could supply him with a good gear to copy from - Good for a pattern, anyways.
These gears are all standard size on sharps ??


Member (SA)
Not sure about all Sharps- It would NOT effect the type with the big "piano keys"- only the soft touch style, like the VZ25000, VZ3500, etc.- Anything with the APSS. I am going to make a new and very detailed Youtube video tomorrow morning showing this gear and the problem.


Boomus Fidelis
45player said:
Not sure about all Sharps- It would NOT effect the type with the big "piano keys"- only the soft touch style, like the VZ25000, VZ3500, etc.-
Anything with the APSS. I am going to make a new and very detailed Youtube video tomorrow morning showing this gear and the problem.
Well like the gf767, 777 , 1000's I only ask because I did a belt change on my 767 and one deck only rewinds tape a little over half way then slows down and stops, it plays and FF fine ????
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