is this a SUPER RADIO ?

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Member (SA)
Doubt it. I think it has to have the 'Long Range' & 'High Selectivity' markers on the dial or bezel, etc. That one seems like a later version but probably nicer sound & punch, etc.....



Member (SA)
Technically, no. But I have two of these and one, which I purchased from a member, still has the original door sticker which reads " GE's super radio..." in regards to it's radio reception.
"Super Radio" it appears is a specific models name, and super radio "technology" it seems has been added to the 5280B. That gives it a nicer deck than a Super Radio, with a Super Radio's reception. :thumbsup:

I love mine :smooch: That's my guess and I'm stickin' to it... :lol:


Member (SA)
Oh how excellent!! Loved that meet except now I look at myself in this photo,i looked like ****!! Sorry guys,I remember driving all day and slept in my car at a rest stop and had hardly any sleep!! No shower either.
But I enjoyed it immensely and Skill Phil was a great guy,really liked his Panasonic A2!!
Hope you find one Ira!! :)


Member (SA)

Skilphil :thumbsup: man how could I forget that name.

He was a cool cat and a nice person. Those were great times.


Member (SA)
Super radio? Like long range reception?

Nice looking mono. Clean and classy with some bold switches. I like. Let us know if you get it, I'd like to hear how it is.


Staff member
There is like 3 models with the superadio name on it. None have cassettes. However, this one does have the same internal circuitry as the superadios so for all practical purposes, it is a superadio without the name. I guess they didn't want to label it as superadiocassette.

However, that being said while they do have excellent FM and AM tuners,, much of the "super" improvement is in the AM bands. On AM it is definitely superior to other "standard" boombox tuners. An extra large 200mm ferrite rod is the foundation and features include a 6-gang tuner. I believe there are a couple of stereo boombox with the same circuitry too. I forget the model since they all have some numbering convention that are hard to remember but google it and you'll find it. Even though they have similar circuitry, they lack the "superadio" label so you might say they are sleepers.


Member (SA)
Hi Norm, if you see my thread on let's see your Superadios mine does not say Superadios but is identical to NZBoom's model except his has a tweeter.
Mine says Long range,super sensitivity and gas the 200mm Ferrite antenna so I know mine is one but just doesn't say Superradio like his,looks identical.
Just wish I had that tweeter like his.:)


Member (SA)
Here's my two. They are both 3-5280A's, not B's like Skilphil's. Mine also have two different styles of knobs on them. Love that sticker...


Lasonic TRC-920

Kenpat said:
Here's my two. They are both 3-5280A's, not B's like Skilphil's. Mine also have two different styles of knobs on them. Love that sticker...

WOW, that's the first time I have seen 2 in one picture. They look great together! :yes:

gsbadbmr said:
Actually, i can't resist the Clairtone 7980's but i feel all Clairtoned' out for now :lol:


Member (SA)
I have a 5280B model --- The tuner is good but nothing apparently super about it that my ears can determine....It is a great mono box though--heavy well built--


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