redbenjoe said:
about 30 -35 years ago -
i could not resist a very $$ beautiful aiwa mini -
its had every possible jack & feature -
lots of metal --extreme heavy--
back then - aiwa was either owned or distributed by sony -
and the aiwa products were sonys TOTL
when i had the BBDB --i tried to find the model # -
but - no luck
Thanks Ira!! I would figure that you would have had such a rare model that it can't even be found!!
Thanks to Aiwa(Jens) I found my long-lost first time boombox-The Craig lay-down style boombox Am-Fm cassette player with the stick-shift selector that I got from my brother who got it from my sister and she got it new in 1970'!!!
I got dibs on it in 76'! My first boombox! Even had a dial-light & yes I was using a toothpick back in 76'-77' for those late night sessions!!!
I now have one now that's virtually almost NIB!!! I have photos on here somewhere!

Thanks Ira-I hope we can all find your long-lost model!
Have a great weekend-Jeff.