iPod Input

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Member (SA)
Just wondering if theres any other ways to use an iPod/Mp3 Player on a old boombox besides aux in and cassette adaptor...
Got an sharp qt27, but i think theres no aux in port. and use of a cassette adaptor doesnt allow the door to close :hmmm:
so if theres any other way to plug in an mp3 player can you let me know please? :).


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
does your sharp model have a DIN jack or phono jacks ?
It only has 2 sockets on the back both for "EXT MIC" L and R. And a socket on the side for headphones S:
Can any of those be used to hook up an ipod? :S

Thanks for all the ideas folks,
The radio is a bit shakey on the FM side so I think I'll leave the FM transmitter out :-/
But the MP3 Player that doubles as a cassette tape is a pretty cool idea :)

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