iPod FM Transmitters

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Member (SA)
Hope the "i-word" is not a breach of etiquette around here -- if so, believe me, i understand! Anyway, I know some of you use the line input of your boomes to play MP3 players. Has anyone experimented with using one of those FM transmitters they have for iPods to play your MP3 player through the radio (which in many cases carries a louder signal than the line in)? Just a thought -- look forward to hearing back from everyone.


Member (SA)
unfortunately i have. i can honestly say most of the ones i have tried have been crap.
bad reception cross talk and just not very good.
however if you arent super picky they are ok.
anything made by griffin in my experience is not too good.
there is lots of opinions that will most likely vary but i am not a fan of them i would way rather have line in or if the box only has a good tape deck and no line in. tapes sound better by a wide margin.
theres different sites online how to modify them by putting on longer antennas.
there was a old realistic fm transmitter made years ago that was pretty decent i seem to remember but it was big and i think only worked in mono.


Member (SA)
i did alot of research on a FM transmitter.. i own a fantastic sounding Panny RX-DT670.. but it does not have RCA inputs.. but i didnt want weak reception with a gimpy transmitter.. i read on the net about amplifying the signal by bypassing the restrictions on the transmitter.. the easiest one to do is with the Belkin Tunecast 2.. there is a tutorial on the internet that shows you how to modify the signal.. the transmitter can be found cheap on Ebay.. $9 if i remember.. when you add the new antenna make sure it's not to long.. as you can get in trouble with the FCC.. 2-3 inches is best.. just wrap it around the boombox antenna.. and your golden.. sounds as good as a true input connection..


Member (SA)
@ Eddy -- Let the Music Play --- can't get more classic than that! I may look into the C Crane. Thanks for the information!


Member (SA)
If the transmitting range of the CCrane is too small , you can always turn up VR 2 inside of it. And twist some extra wire around the antenna . Works like a charm :hmmm:


Member (SA)
I have an 'I-Trip' unit which gives reasonable results, though I tend to put it right on top of the box to ensure noise-free stereo reception. It can probably cover the whole house, although patchy in places. The other one is a kinda generic 'noname' brand which is appalling if I'm being nice about it. Teeeerible phasey stereo image and distorted high frequencies even moderate volume levels, due to a lack of, or poorly designed, brickwall filter. (Necessary in FM broadcast to remove highs above 15khz). And sometimes it just 'switches off' for no obvious reason even with fresh batteries!! :-P


Member (SA)
well i am pretty skeptical but i thought i would give it a shot seeing has how the other two were crap.
i mean for the price i paid for the soon to be three i could have bought several boxes at the prices i pay lol.
seriously tho i am going to be honest i am just not thinking the sound quality will be that great.

you know i have this super expensive amphony wireless speaker system. well not really wireless. its 900 megahertz now out dated tech.
that thing never worked worth crap. so i am doubtful the c crane transmitter is going to do very well. i am willing to try tho and i will make sure that you guys see it when i am done.


Member (SA)
There's a sticker hiding an adjustment screw on the underneath side of the CCrane unit.Peel it back and insert a screwdriver into the hidden hole.Turning this hidden screw will greatly increase the range of this unit.Works great making it the best unit out there by far!


Member (SA)
i am looking forward to getting mine jovie. i have some interesting ideas for how to use it in a very very cool manner.
i am surely going to be twisting that little potentiometer up. hopefully i can mess with some of the cars driving by here.


Member (SA)
I own 2 FM cable modulators too and soundwise the CCrane comes very close to this pro stuff.
I'm satisfied with the CCrane gear. :breakdance:
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